Title: Merdok the kender Post by: Bacuha on September 19, 2006, 07:14:26 pm Just a short story of little kender killing two unlucky zombies. Wonder how many kicks he will need to kick The Unding Destruction out from this Universe?
[log] Merdok opens the door. <1042/1070hp 560/590mana 263/271mv 561049tnl | NESW> n A grisly scene, NW corner of Mausoleum [Exits: south] ( 2) A pile of silver coins. A horrible creature is here, feeding off of a decaying corpse. A horrible creature is here, feeding off of a decaying corpse. Merdok has arrived. <1042/1070hp 560/590mana 262/271mv 561049tnl | S> Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch === OBLITERATES === a hungry ghoul! <1057/1070hp 590/590mana 271/271mv 561049tnl | S> s Northwest main area of the Mausoleum. [Exits: north east south west] ( 4) A decaying corpse lies here, feeding the worms and rats. <1057/1070hp 590/590mana 270/271mv 561049tnl | NESW> n A grisly scene, NW corner of Mausoleum [Exits: south] ( 2) A pile of silver coins. Merdok the male kender is here, fighting a hungry ghoul. A hungry ghoul is here, fighting Merdok. A horrible creature is here, feeding off of a decaying corpse. A hungry ghoul's chill wounds Merdok. Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul! Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul! Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch MASSACRES a hungry ghoul! <1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S> Merdok executes a high reverse-roundhouse kick! Merdok slices a hungry ghoul with his umberhulk claws! Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's kick does UNSPEAKABLE things to a hungry ghoul! Merdok's leg sweeps around and strikes with a follow through! Merdok's follow kick *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul! <1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S> Merdok's punch DISMEMBERS a hungry ghoul! A hungry ghoul is DEAD!! A hungry ghoul falls on the ground and evaporates into a grey mist. <1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S> Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch === OBLITERATES === a hungry ghoul! A hungry ghoul trips Merdok, sending him to the ground. A hungry ghoul's trip wounds Merdok. Merdok recovers from the fall and jumps back up on his legs. Merdok's punch MASSACRES a hungry ghoul! Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a hungry ghoul! Merdok's punch MASSACRES a hungry ghoul! Merdok's punch DISMEMBERS a hungry ghoul! Merdok's punch MANGLES a hungry ghoul! Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch === OBLITERATES === a hungry ghoul! <1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S> Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul! Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** a hungry ghoul! Merdok lands a devastating blow! Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul! A hungry ghoul is DEAD!! A hungry ghoul falls on the ground and evaporates into a grey mist. [/log] Title: Re: Merdok the kender Post by: kodziro on September 20, 2006, 08:27:24 am poor poor narin :'(
Title: Re: Merdok the kender Post by: kalit on September 20, 2006, 09:02:45 am Funny, lets wait for logs named "Medrok vs Narin, Narin wins" :)
Title: Re: Merdok the kender Post by: deda on September 22, 2006, 01:45:40 pm Don't want to blow my own trumpet but i will! Before i deleted gurd he unspeaked with punches those poor guardians in sla mori... ;)
Title: Re: Merdok the kender Post by: Quino on September 23, 2006, 01:09:40 am [log]
You step out from your cover. Your surprise attack does UNSPEAKABLE things to a winged wraith! A winged wraith is DEAD!! You step out from your cover. Searing flame flare up across your antique longsword. Your surprise attack does UNSPEAKABLE things to a spectre of half-dragon! A spectre of half-dragon is DEAD!! [/log] Title: Re: Merdok the kender Post by: Niano on September 23, 2006, 09:43:01 am Don't want to blow my own trumpet but i will! Before i deleted gurd he unspeaked with punches those poor guardians in sla mori... ;) Not to down of gurd, but that was before assassins damage was cut in half. |