Title: Boneshatter Post by: Rael on September 30, 2006, 01:56:10 pm [log]
You dodge vampiric bat's bite. Vampiric bat dodges your freezing bite. Vampiric bat is unaffected by your freezing bite! Vampiric bat dodges your freezing bite. Vampiric bat is in perfect condition. ... You try to land a quick crushing blow, but fail. You deliver a blow of deadly force! Vampiric bat is unaffected by your boneshatter! ... You land a sudden crushing blow on vampiric bat's wrist! Your boneshatter MANGLES vampiric bat! Vampiric bat is covered in bleeding wounds. [/log] Title: Re: Boneshatter Post by: deda on October 03, 2006, 08:30:43 pm Same thing is with bleed. I could bleed those merchants in Qualinost although they are immune to all sort of things...
Title: Re: Boneshatter Post by: Quino on October 03, 2006, 08:32:00 pm Boneshatter has bashing dt
Title: Re: Boneshatter Post by: Rael on October 03, 2006, 11:13:30 pm Bleed doesn't work on unaffected mobs, I've mastered bleed on a cardinal with a crystal spike.
Title: Re: Boneshatter Post by: Nuitari on October 04, 2006, 02:29:57 am Boneshatter now has used weapon's damtype. No affect if damage was prevented.