Title: Fw: a solemn black robe with crimson hood and shoulders Post by: Sirrion on September 27, 2005, 06:22:29 pm Object 'robe black crismon cleric' is type armor, extra flags none.
Weight is 4, value is 3450, level is 17. You can wear it at body. Restrict flags none. Armor class is 8 pierce, 6 bash, 8 slash, and 11 vs. magic Affects reflex save by 2. Affects mana by 10. Affects hp by 10. Affects damage roll by 1. Affects resist air by -4. resist air -> saves, crismon -> crimson (Originally posted by shapa) Title: Re: Fw: a solemn black robe with crimson hood and shoulders Post by: Chemosh, Lord of Undead on October 11, 2005, 02:52:03 pm already fixed