Title: enslave - its should be so or not ? Post by: strange_dude on October 15, 2006, 10:42:31 pm help:
Keywords: 'Enslave' --------------------- Syntax: cast enslave <victim> This dark power of an outcast knight allows him or her to force a victim into total submission, whereby they are unable to do anything but follow their master and obey commands. There is a CHANCE that when the spell wears off the victim will come to his/her senses and attack the outcast knight. This spell only works on the weaker minds of mobs, and is ineffective against players. In my expirience MOBs ALWAYS attack after short period of time, I had no expceptions. So seems chance = 100%. I was totaly pissed of then even a mob rank 2 attacked me, so it should be so and help is incorrect or it is a bug ? Title: Re: enslave - its should be so or not ? Post by: valtro on October 15, 2006, 11:13:58 pm As i remember they always attacks. Esp snakegolem :)
Title: Re: enslave - its should be so or not ? Post by: strange_dude on October 15, 2006, 11:17:55 pm well at least that time it was easier to summon and enslave them, so it was not so critical.
Title: Re: enslave - its should be so or not ? Post by: Sirrion on October 28, 2006, 08:18:17 pm There is a chance they won't attack - no bug.