Title: "Flaming" weapon flag and ignite Post by: Werewolf on October 14, 2005, 11:17:28 am There are some weapons which have a "flaming" flag but deal non-fire damage. When attempting to use the ignite spell on them it says that "it is already flaming" and does nothing.
Title: Re: "Flaming" weapon flag and ignite Post by: ShadowDweller on October 14, 2005, 01:24:53 pm There are some weapons which have a "flaming" flag but deal non-fire damage. When attempting to use the ignite spell on them it says that "it is already flaming" and does nothing. nothing buggy...flag flaming means as well as weapon can burn or blind opponent...but not flaming damage type only...Title: Re: "Flaming" weapon flag and ignite Post by: Werewolf on October 14, 2005, 01:51:28 pm You're messing the damage type and weapon flags. The damtype of fire doesn't imply that the weapon will burn the opponent, and the 'flaming' flag doesn't mean the damage will be of fire.
Ignite spell, cast on normal weapons, switches the damage type to 'flaming bite' and turns on the weapon flag 'flaming', for some period of time. The bug occurs when ignite is being cast on weapons with non-flaming damtype, but with flaming flag. Instead of changing the damage type it just does nothing. Title: Re: "Flaming" weapon flag and ignite Post by: ShadowDweller on October 14, 2005, 04:51:28 pm You're messing the damage type and weapon flags. The damtype of fire doesn't imply that the weapon will burn the opponent, and the 'flaming' flag doesn't mean the damage will be of fire. I'm messing nothing...if weapon has flag 'flaming' but ANY of damage type that different from 'flaming bite' you'll be not able to cast ignite over...Spell just checks his flags but NOT damage type...Ignite spell, cast on normal weapons, switches the damage type to 'flaming bite' and turns on the weapon flag 'flaming', for some period of time. The bug occurs when ignite is being cast on weapons with non-flaming damtype, but with flaming flag. Instead of changing the damage type it just does nothing. Title: Re: "Flaming" weapon flag and ignite Post by: Illiet on October 16, 2005, 09:33:06 pm >>>There are some weapons which have a "flaming" flag but deal non-fire damage. When attempting to use the ignite spell on them it says that "it is already flaming" and does nothing.
Dude that's why Werewolf post it in bug section :) Title: Re: "Flaming" weapon flag and ignite Post by: Werewolf on December 05, 2005, 02:44:47 am Well, I reported this one long ago.. seems it was burrowed with newer topics.
Could immortals tell us at least, is it a bug or it is supposed to be so? Title: Re: "Flaming" weapon flag and ignite Post by: Habbakuk on December 26, 2005, 11:58:16 am Fixed, coming next reboot.