Title: Fw: something with treants Post by: Sirrion on September 27, 2005, 06:32:09 pm There's something wierd with the way a treant behaves. It seems as if he doesn't count as a pet in many cases...
Take rosevale quest, for example, my griffon enters the well with me, but treant doesn't. Same with Sla-Mori, Beckard's Cut, etc etc. The griffon follows in, Lions follow a ranger...but no treant (Solan) Yer, I remember our last travel to Edges with Uonfer. We said the word and guardian transfered us there with only dracolich Actualyl, he forgot to say 'Suuuurprise!' %) We've managed to get out though due to necromancer's almost perfect knowledge of zone and slapped all lazy zombies %) (ukka) Title: Re: Fw: something with treants Post by: Sirrion on September 27, 2005, 06:33:29 pm Same with some Chemosh cleric's pets, don't already remember which ones.