Title: Force field Post by: Moon_Face on October 24, 2006, 04:04:01 pm c 'force field'
You chant a sweet melodious line. You must be surrounded by a lightning shield to source this spell. That spell is of 16th rank, but Lightning shield is of 25th rank only. I do not see a big reason to place that spell lower 25th rank. I do not try to reveal any problem here, but i thought maybe you will think about to rebuild 'Force field' completely..?! Don't you think, that invoker is too easy holdable for now? One additional round in fight and invoker is a corpse. I said it about the last log from Alantas on reraid under all protection. Maybe lets make him a bit harder to be holded with force field spell? Let it be casted on any shield and give it a chance to protect owner from crush,lash,throw. What do ya think? Electrecity shield shocs thrower, fireshield may burn crusher, iceshield may chill lasher etc. |