Title: the black robes of a Zhentil priest Post by: Crusader on November 04, 2006, 08:49:32 pm If you got blindness and after blindness will gone from affects you will be blinded still.
Title: Re: the black robes of a Zhentil priest Post by: sevecen on November 12, 2006, 09:43:14 pm If you got blindness and after blindness will gone from affects you will be blinded still. if you wear it, there are two chances because of your saves. one is permenant blindness because of coulnt save it's affects and two if you saves it then no blindness after that time.And that effect will gone out when you die...No heal for it as i know..Title: Re: the black robes of a Zhentil priest Post by: sevecen on November 12, 2006, 09:56:29 pm but one time manita got it and wore it and got blinded permenant but we tried to heal it and after a while manita bandaged herself and cured that blind. But after this time i dunno if it is working still or not...
Title: Re: the black robes of a Zhentil priest Post by: Sirrion on November 16, 2006, 09:24:51 pm Err, can't understand, need a log.