Title: Rosevale Post by: Rael on November 05, 2006, 12:49:08 am [log]
At the wishing well You are at a crossing of paths in the centre of Rosevale. Fresh flower petals are strewn across the sandy ground and in the tall trees at the edges of the square glowing glass orbs emit a soft light. In the very centre of the square stands an elegant wishing well of sculptured marble that shines like a transluscent pearl. Many people are standing near the well, and all have a sad and puzzled look about them. They peer into the well and whisper to each other, smiling sadly. As you approach the well, you see that there is no cool water in it anymore, just dusty red sand deep in the darkness. There are paths leading in every direction. [Exits: north east south west] A stern-faced elf dressed in a white and red uniform watches you closely. (Red Aura) A tall elf dressed in brown silk strolls past with a glance in your direction. A very pretty elf girl chews on her hair and giggles at you. <523/523hp 262/386mana 208/240mv 566344tnl | NESW> l 2.elf This figure is dressed in light brown silks and has a pleasant smile on his face. The elf is one of the citizens of Rosevale, a proud community that values its personal freedom and still holds some of the forgotten traditions that other elves have abandoned. Deeply spiritual and aware of the natural world around him, the elf glances at you quickly and wonders what you are doing in the town. An elf townsman is in perfect condition. <523/523hp 262/386mana 208/240mv 566344tnl | NESW> con 2.elf Your sneeze would kill an elf townsman. An elf townsman grins evilly at you. [/log] Title: Re: Rosevale Post by: Geryon on December 18, 2007, 04:57:57 pm Up
some elves in rosevale are still evil Title: Re: Rosevale Post by: Tanis Half-Elven on January 07, 2008, 05:56:54 am I think I got them all; they will be good/neutral next reboot