Title: can gauntlet be torso Post by: master on November 08, 2006, 03:39:28 pm I am not sure, from my knowing of english can torso armor can be called gauntlet
[log] [Exits: east south west] A pair of darkened gauntlets lay on the ground, absorbing the light.. ( 2) Some green moss grows right in with the untread grass. (Charmed) A majestic looking griffon regards you with deep, thoughtful eyes. (Charmed) A large tree-like creature stands here in silence. <1483/1483hp 558/563mana 280/280mv 246881tnl | ESW> get tor You see no tor here. <1483/1483hp 562/563mana 280/280mv 246881tnl | ESW> You no longer feel protected from the elements. <1483/1483hp 563/563mana 280/280mv 246881tnl | ESW> get sha You draw upon the forest energy surrounding you. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, a torso of shadow dragon, is armor, and can be referred to as 'mail shadow'. It is of 34th level, weighs 12 pounds, and is worth 80 gold. You can wear it on your torso. It can only be used by those of darkened soul. Armor class bonus: 12 vs pierce, 12 vs bash, 12 vs slash, and 12 vs magic. When worn, it modifies armor class by -10 modifies mana by 30 modifies dexterity by -1 [/log] Title: Re: can gauntlet be torso Post by: Proph on January 22, 2007, 10:43:26 pm maybe it's the gauntlet of a giant and his hand-size = your torso size?
I don't know if i'm kidding Title: Re: can gauntlet be torso Post by: Sirrion on February 10, 2007, 10:15:53 pm FNR