Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Area Defects => Topic started by: master on November 22, 2006, 01:59:51 am

Title: contradiction
Post by: master on November 22, 2006, 01:59:51 am
<2050/2092hp 501/528mana 280/280mv 56486tnl | E>  c id fla
You source energy from the surrounding forest.
A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that..
.. this object, a flail dripping with black acid, is a flail,
   and can be referred to as 'flail iron acidic'.
It is of 15th level, weighs 8 pounds, and is worth 110 gold.
It glows with a soft light, hums faintly and sheds a magical aura.
It cannot be used by those of darkened soul.
It cannot be located by magical means.
It is fireproof and resists corrosion.
It deals 7d6 damage (averaging at 24).
Its attacks take the form of an acidic bite.
When worn, it
   modifies strength by -1
   modifies health by -20
   modifies damage roll by 4

<2050/2092hp 500/528mana 280/280mv 56486tnl | E> con elf
A dark-elf cleric wouldn't last long against you.
A dark-elf cleric grins evilly at you.

dark elf is evil so it is used by darkened soul.

Title: Re: contradiction
Post by: Sirrion on February 10, 2007, 10:05:23 pm
Made it anti-good - next boot.