Title: dirt Post by: Rialon on November 24, 2006, 12:26:34 am [log]
Path to the quarry Rocks litter the ground on this path. All around work crazed beings push themselves beyond the limits as if searching for something. You see that the increase in workers can be seen more towards the south as you start to get closer to the rock quarry. [Exits: north south] A small rock lays here broken on the ground. Some spots in the query itself, too. ... You couldn't find any dirt to kick here. A red eyed ogre is convulsing on the ground. [/log] I think this place would have tons of dirt. And some places in the quarry too. And in general, the int check seems to be VERY harsh, even for someone with 24 int. Title: Re: dirt Post by: deda on November 24, 2006, 02:36:11 pm Also there are no dirt in Mausoleum although we all know such places are full of dirt, cobwebs and .... vampires! ;D
Title: Re: dirt Post by: kodziro on November 28, 2006, 11:04:17 pm dirty cavern of chaos :o