Title: Still no half-kenders in exp-per-race help Post by: Werewolf on February 09, 2007, 11:37:58 pm No half-kenders!
[log]help The following races may be chosen by players: Human No extra xp. Half-elf Cost 5% extra xp per level. Dwarf Cost 10% extra xp per level. Elf Cost 20% extra xp per level. Wild Elf Cost 20% extra xp per level. Dark Elf Cost 20% extra xp per level. Kender Cost 10% extra xp per level. Gnome Cost 10% extra xp per level. Minotaur Cost 25% extra xp per level. Draconian Cost 20% extra xp per level.[/log] Title: Re: Still no half-kenders in exp-per-race help Post by: master on February 09, 2007, 11:45:44 pm Btw, is it SO hard to find out these simple facts by yourself? A ;D ;)Title: Re: Still no half-kenders in exp-per-race help Post by: Werewolf on February 09, 2007, 11:49:15 pm Maybe not hard, but it is obviously missed in this help.
Title: Re: Still no half-kenders in exp-per-race help Post by: master on February 09, 2007, 11:51:20 pm 10%
Expecting to get help file of changes on the first day of changes is very very very optimistic. Beside it never happened in history so why to ecpect it now? :) Title: Re: Still no half-kenders in exp-per-race help Post by: Werewolf on February 10, 2007, 01:48:09 am If we speak about expectations.. I never expected half-kenders to appear in game, and I am not sure new race is what Solace lacked most :)
Title: Re: Still no half-kenders in exp-per-race help Post by: Sirrion on February 10, 2007, 09:56:09 pm Fixed already.