Title: Something strange south of Kalaman Post by: Proph on February 21, 2007, 07:40:01 am I lagged for like 20-30 seconds each time I entered this room. I tried it 3 or 4 times to verify, and it didnt happen in any other rooms:
[log] On a path through a verdant wood At the northern end of this gloriously green woodland, birds are singing and the colors are vibrant. Bright red and yellow flowers dot the trail, and brightly colored birds fly through the air and sing in the trees. The whole place has a fresh smell to it, like it just rained. A light mist hangs about, as well, and a cool breeze blowing through compliments the picture. [Exits: north south] A red bird flutters about in the trees. A young ranger stands here, looking for a good deed to do. A yellow bird hops about on the ground. A young ranger hands you a beautiful ---'---,-- [/log] Also I think the ranger is supposed to be handing me a rose? I think it's missing head.... [edit]forgot to mention that it only occurs when entering from the south (ie: moving south) Title: Re: Something strange south of Kalaman Post by: Lady Lunitari on February 21, 2007, 10:23:17 am yep, it's a bug with rose emote ;)