Title: wimpy Post by: ezus on February 23, 2007, 10:13:27 am Perhaps change it somehow, or even cut off at least at hero pk range. Too annoying when wimpy allows to flee even in permolag.
Title: Re: wimpy Post by: Bacuha on February 25, 2007, 02:04:24 am IMHO, its fine. Wimpy - good. Permolag - bad!
Title: Re: wimpy Post by: Proph on February 25, 2007, 03:48:02 am I'm pretty sure there's an autoprotect against permalag. Like my kender fighter tanking 10 worms/10guards at once in sla'mori, getting tail smacked 4 times and bashed 2 times in a single round (none recovered) and being able to submit a command 3 rounds after it. I think it's the same reason that transmuter could flee from 2 asassins throwing it for supposed "permalag" ezus :)
I had wimpy set at 15hp at the time heheheh |