Title: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Quino on March 02, 2007, 02:51:20 pm Okay everybody.
Someone had to post this topic. Abjurers have superb defence thus adding them 'empowered' magic missile would head straight to noticeable disbalance (Yeah yeah, those disguisting operpowered disbalanced abjurers). I ask you for your honest opinion - what do you think? P.S. At last, there's a bunch of growing abjurers in MUD. The most crowded class is to be suxxed. :-\ Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: gass on March 02, 2007, 03:11:11 pm Someone had to post this topic. Abjurers have superb defence thus adding them 'empowered' magic missile would head straight to noticeable disbalance (Yeah yeah, those disguisting operpowered disbalanced abjurers). I ask you for your honest opinion - what do you think? answered "other", so explaining. no need to sucks mm. may be better strip it and make a book/manual with mm-like spell readable only by transmuters at some higher level. (may be mm with just other name, like "magic punch" or "fist of solinari" or something.) so experienced players will still have a chance, and bunch of "i've-read-forum-aboutoverpowered-abjurers-and-i-make-one' newbies will be punished. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: kodziro on March 02, 2007, 03:24:12 pm Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: ezus on March 02, 2007, 03:28:45 pm Disagree a bit. But yes mm must be tuned down, also chnage astral only for moving. Also strange thing, as for me, dust, for example, do not allow you to get person from astral (it's normal, he is another plane) but what for then he can scanning around our plane? Perhaps make astral spell only for move in other planes. I mean no casts there no scans... Any action except moving will kick you from astral plane.
And bout mm a bit more. Perhaps just change it's mana cost? hmm from 5 to 50 or more? ;) Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Quino on March 02, 2007, 03:49:12 pm so experienced players will still have a chance Come on. Experienced players will kill without mm easily. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Matthew on March 02, 2007, 03:54:22 pm i would rather see forms removed :P maybe put magic missile back to weak and give them other spells, perhaps colour spray or something.
Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: K0nunG on March 02, 2007, 04:06:25 pm Voted for "other".
1. Magic missile should be tuned down - common abjurer has to be pure support class as it used to be. 2. No kender abjurers - best ever defence and unblockable kenderish racial skills make them very strong. And its just with hoopak from rare staff, even do not wish to imagine them with hoopak of stars. I wonder who permitted kenders to learn Arcana. Learning Divine powers are less questionable, but still have doubts. 3. Agree with Ezus, astral just for walking, sleeping, standing, protective spells, looking. Getting and dropping items should kick them out of astral. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Sirrion on March 02, 2007, 04:26:28 pm Relax, the decision is already applied and comes after boot :)
Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Rialon on March 02, 2007, 04:37:18 pm Hmm, well, then i guess my vote is irrelevant, but none-the-less:
i voted other. It should be tuned down, but not to the level it was before. Also opinion about moving it to spellbook: i think abjurer can learn improved magic missile and that will be it. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: ezus on March 02, 2007, 04:39:27 pm seems mm will make injures! ::) after boot surely:)
[offtopic] Btw just a question. Why all classes of kender race have their beloved thrust and whirl, but only minotaurs fighters have their beloved deathblow? ::) [/offtopic] Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Rialon on March 02, 2007, 04:56:53 pm seems mm will make injures! ::) after boot surely:) [offtopic] Btw just a question. Why all classes of kender race have their beloved thrust and whirl, but only minotaurs fighters have their beloved deathblow? ::) [/offtopic] Because all kenders use hoopaks, but not all minotaurs are such exceptional warriors: there are merchants, artisans, masons? ;) Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: ezus on March 02, 2007, 07:44:27 pm oh you mean Argonar? ;D
p.s. no offense Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Proph on March 02, 2007, 11:08:19 pm Wait... so how is an abjurer who isn't covered in autocast eq supposed to kill any opponent?
They're already useless solo against heretics... let's make them useless against everyone else in PK too? To think all this talk was spawned from a log in which I killed a nearly-naked mino-out in 12 rounds. Yeah, that just screams overpower.... I guess it's a moot point, because everyone will make kender abj now so they can thrust for DEMOLISH-OBLIT and taunt. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: ezus on March 02, 2007, 11:20:31 pm To think all this talk was spawned from a log in which I killed a nearly-naked mino-out in 12 rounds. Yeah, that just screams overpower.... Are you friendly with your head? Do you really think that it because of that crappy log and such abj as windel? ;D Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Nuitari on March 03, 2007, 12:04:14 am Wait... so how is an abjurer who isn't covered in autocast eq supposed to kill any opponent? And who on Krynn told you, that every class should have equal chances of killing each other class? Even so, abjurers of old somehow managed to do it with paralyze/hold, soften and form. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Quino on March 03, 2007, 12:17:24 am Wait... so how is an abjurer who isn't covered in autocast eq supposed to kill any opponent? They're already useless solo against heretics... let's make them useless against everyone else in PK too? No comments. I guess it's a moot point, because everyone will make kender abj now so they can thrust for DEMOLISH-OBLIT and taunt. They won't. According to my information, thrust/whirl skill was buggy so kender mages could deal nice damage with no enhanced damage skill. Now it will be corrected. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Sir Solan on March 03, 2007, 12:39:06 am Even so, abjurers of old somehow managed to do it with paralyze/hold, soften and form. Don't forget cool items like wands and staves and scrolls! Abjurers were powerful before MM was hugely buffed, they just needed more thinking than spamming. ::) Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Proph on March 03, 2007, 01:07:46 am To think all this talk was spawned from a log in which I killed a nearly-naked mino-out in 12 rounds. Yeah, that just screams overpower.... Are you friendly with your head? Do you really think that it because of that crappy log and such abj as windel? ;D Now about my log: Was there any talk on forums about abj overpower before that? Nope. I'm not saying I created some powerful abj that proves overpower of the class... soirre is a far better abj than me and this one is my first anyway :P I'm just saying I saw NO TALK AT ALL about abj overpower before I posted that log. Maybe it was the straw that broke the camel's back? Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Quino on March 03, 2007, 01:49:12 am Nah, I'm just too lazy to form that thoughts earlier :P
First time I noticed that my alter stoke with magic missile for ***DEMOLISH*** a Dargaard skeleton (October '06 I guess). I thought it was overpower just after I realised that every transmuter has it. Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: dedraelos on March 03, 2007, 03:18:42 am Ezus, trying to insult me with your terrible english is an insult to yourself. Try to get your point across without such childish remarks ok? ProphallictiC, using the fact that english isn't someone's first language to insult them makes you seem childish beyong belief. If you really care that much about what someone else thinks and writes about you on a forum enough to make bigoted remarks back at them, then stop and examine how much emotion you have invested in this would you? Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Proph on March 03, 2007, 02:39:47 pm Bigoted? Hardly. Send me a PM next time you want to accuse me instead of making inflammatory remarks for all to read on the forum. I respect the players of this MUD so much who have to speak in their non-native tongue so everyone can understand each other. I actually had long ooc conversation with adramelek about how glad I was that this mud is not russian-speaking :*)
I used poorly translated russian to try to patch things up with ezus before, and now he uses english to try to insult me. You see my point? I have nothing against him, and certainly don't want to make fun of anyone's honest attempts to learn a language. I just think when you're learning a language it's not wise to try to "start something" or "flame someone" in your non-native tongue. Heck, it's probably not wise in your native tongue :) I think me and ezus are cool now anyway :D Title: Re: Magic missile and abjurers. Doom day. Post by: Quino on March 03, 2007, 03:08:01 pm Okay, poll is over. It shows predictable result - everyone who has an abjurer voted against suxxing mm; everyone who fights against them - voted for tuning it down.
Thanks everyone, Imms especially. |