Title: Linkdrop and pets Post by: Quino on March 03, 2007, 10:57:25 pm [log]
A grisly scene, NW corner of Mausoleum Half-decayed corpses have been dragged here and half-eaten by something with a ravenous appetite. Maybe it would be a good idea to find the way back outside now... A door leads back out to the south. [Exits: south] Selric the male human is here. Selric disappears into the void. A trumpet sounds in the distance, and Selric leaves to answer it. A riding horse slowly fades away. [/log] There was no horse in this room, he left it outside. Title: Re: Linkdrop and pets Post by: Kiri-Jolith on May 23, 2007, 04:13:54 pm Should be fixed.