Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: Critic on March 04, 2007, 06:38:43 pm

Title: break weapon
Post by: Critic on March 04, 2007, 06:38:43 pm
It's kinda strange that char can cleave any shield, lim or unlim, but can't break weapon with lim <= 3.

Let's implement to break weapon the same system as with shield cleave?

Title: Re: break weapon
Post by: Proph on March 04, 2007, 11:56:36 pm
should we make crystalbrittle *somewhat* useful along with this ?

Title: Re: break weapon
Post by: Habbakuk on March 05, 2007, 05:33:03 am
Not taking into consideration any affects/modifiers on items: you can wear a shield from a shop and will work as good as a shield from edges; however, a weapon from edges will be 10 times better than a weapon from shop. That's the reason.

Title: Re: break weapon
Post by: Raider on March 05, 2007, 09:41:46 am
and what is the reason for a nearly useless skill? ^^

Title: Re: break weapon
Post by: Samaine on March 05, 2007, 11:51:41 am
let's do not destroy weapon entirely, but partialy(decrease ave or remove some flags from it) with possibility to repear it in shop? for a price of cause.. i did not suggest to make weapon break to work with a same rate of succes as a shield cleave, may be in half worse =)

Title: Re: break weapon
Post by: Proph on March 05, 2007, 01:18:16 pm
I like this idea a lot more than current break Samaine.

I propose something a bit different. Instead of destroying the weapon/shield or removing stats, what if it just temporarily damages it making it unusable until repaired? Then whoever's damaging the weapon/shield gets the benefit of the target not using it, but they don't permanently lose the (most likely rare) item. We could also make it possible that unlimited shields shatter instead of being damaged (poorer quality).

You are carrying:
A leather backpack
(glowing)(humming)The Sword of Forgotten Dreams
(damaged)(humming)a sceptre of Solamnic Might

wear sce

a sceptre of Solamnic Might is in no condition for battle.


You give a sceptre of Solamnic Might to a blacksmith for repairs.

A blacksmith says, 'That will be 250 gold pieces.'

He returns your equipment to you in pristine condition!

Samaine got my gears workin, so if you hate the idea.... blame him :)