Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: master on March 15, 2007, 02:05:41 pm

Title: affects
Post by: master on March 15, 2007, 02:05:41 pm
This is not so good idea as previous one...maybe it is possible to do with mud client too...
for example to make affects like this :
Blink' spell is active for 4 hours and 55 minutes
'Shield' spell is active for 5 hours and 0 minutes,
   modifying armor class by -20
'Armor' spell is active for 15 hours and 20 minutes,
   modifying armor class by -20
'Detect invis' (expired)
'Fly' spell (expired)
So this way we can easily see what spells are missing... But it should be only our spells, spells that we use often, so it would be best if we could predefine what spells we want to see when they expire...

Title: Re: affects
Post by: Matthew on March 15, 2007, 03:42:42 pm
This would be hard to do i think, it is in your affects list while you are affected and you cannot 'refresh' spells you are affected by. It is simple to just write a script to deal with this. If anyone would like help with such script msg me. There is very simple ways to do it.

Title: Re: affects
Post by: Sir Solan on March 16, 2007, 07:33:09 am
Yep, like Matthew said, it's definitely easy to make a script to handle it, while it would be trickier, though possible, to hardcode it in (it also might not be useful to everyone, or something of the sort).  Making your own also provides customizability, like highlighting spells, displaying important ones first, and so forth.  I'll be happy to help people too, so that Matthew isn't too overworked. ::)