Title: Badger Post by: Woland on April 13, 2007, 09:41:58 pm [log]
Someone sinks his teeth into you. Someone's bite DISMEMBERS you! You have been KILLED!! You have died and turned into an invincible ghost for a few minutes. With this death you feel part of your life force slip away. a dark temple within the city - north - A small hunting knife has been left here. A small stone fountain gushes forth here. A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar. A small kender rushes by, wide-eyed with wonder as he picks things up. (White Aura) A healer is here giving sermons for the Dark Queen. You feel very sick. [/log] Title: Re: Badger Post by: Kiri-Jolith on May 23, 2007, 03:17:09 pm Fixed.