Title: Cobar skill usage Post by: Kage on April 24, 2007, 08:18:29 pm Just throwin this out there. Cobar are the most skilled riders ever and what not, so perhaps some skills could be allowed while mounted for them. Some version of stances for fighters..much is lost if they choose wrong weapons specs. Also majere priest cannot swipe which may not be significant overpower if they could swipe mounted. Also mass healing is not affecting their mounts or seemingly grouped ranger pets. This spell should affect all in group right? Also with this I wonder if divine presence is working on Khalkhist? is so does it affect mount like warrior class ? Also Takhisis and herecy come to mind as having diverse and neat titles. Have any thoughts been put into some more diverse for cobar. profession based for example shaman or medicine man for priests, hunter or tracker for rangers. ps. guardians could use this maybe too. Maybe also khalkhist should be able to rescue their riders if ordered as they are bonded together and like family. And luck of the cobar skill does not move for priests it seems. Just some ideas some realistic some silly. let me know whatcha think
Title: Re: Cobar skill usage Post by: Triumph on April 24, 2007, 08:50:44 pm luck of the cobar skill does not move for priests it seems Malachi didn't ever see this move either. I'm pretty sure it's just impossible to improve. I reported this, and the bug with stablehand to the immortals. As for fighters and rangers losing stances (and other skills lost, such as swipe): yeah this is definately a huge problem with the cobar. Hopefully immortals will do something about it. Title: Re: Cobar skill usage Post by: Matthew on April 25, 2007, 01:41:30 am Mass healing never affected mounts and pets when i was playing my mishacleric either. It provided hours of frustration typing individual 'c 'heal' pets x5, group, c 'heal' party members x3,group, pet dies, c 'heal' pet x4 etc etc. Typing hands get very sore in the edges and some other places!
Title: Re: Cobar skill usage Post by: Kage on April 25, 2007, 04:21:08 am yeah seems it should heal all that show in group. course there is no help file for it so I just sorta made that up. I say add some mana cost and make it true 'mass healing'. mass invis does not just target players so....
Title: Re: Cobar skill usage Post by: Matthew on April 25, 2007, 04:29:48 am Also the lag on it is crazy, its almost never anywhere near effective enough to use instead of normal heals.
Title: Re: Cobar skill usage Post by: Kage on April 25, 2007, 04:46:35 am dont forget it sometimes heals ungrouped mobs in the room. but not a horse? or a kitty..thats discrimination