Title: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Illieta on May 05, 2007, 02:45:43 am http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=108 Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Illieta on May 05, 2007, 02:48:14 am Not the best formatting. Sorry!
p.s. If it possible to make logs not in compact mode? Since I do not play in compact mode but after format it is in compact.. it's hard to read.. for me at least. Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Quino on May 05, 2007, 03:25:47 am Meaty. :)
Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Sir Solan on May 05, 2007, 05:51:45 am Few comments:
1. First, kudos to you. 2 necros came to kill you (Though I think both are lower rank, for sure none are higher), and you beat them both with some help from the inquisitor, well done. We had a discussion about how to get you out of there, they wanted to just try blackwinding. ;) 2. When you attacked Ksi after first death, said he should have clothes back and be ready to try and kill you...his corpse was nearly empty under inquisitor, I didn't get anything at first, and he couldn't or ghostform would kill, so how could he have his clothes back? 3. Hehe, wall of ice placement was a sort of plan...I hoped to keep you out for long enough for resist and/or spellbane to fade, but didn't seem to work, and Ksi/Nebiru didn't quite seem to understand the plan. ;) 4. I'd like to complain a bit about sheet/enhanced, though I'll keep it short as this is logs section. ::) Basically, I don't really like how even these two spells, single-hit spells found sometimes in gold-lettered spellbooks, are still spellbaned half of the time. Is it really unfair for a mage to get one nice hit per round, when heretic can get many normal nice hits, plus high-damage holding skills every round? Now, some can say, but mages can use preparations and become very powerful. Well, two things: one, preparations are limited or expensive, whereas spellbane/resist/etc is unlimited as long as you have powers...and two, high defense doesn't help much if you have such terrible offense chances. Necros have their armies, abjurs have excellent defense (sanc/harden without needing items, and displacement), alters have powerful forms...but invokers now can't really hurt heretics. Seems odd to me... Maybe this case is only true against inquisitor, and not against normal heretics - maybe player heretics can be hit with spells nicer...haven't had a chance to find out yet. And finally, (5.) get into hero PK already! ;) It's very boring sitting around with nobody to fight except the super-hard (see 4.) inquisitor. But again, well done, smart playing and success. :) Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: kender on May 05, 2007, 08:22:28 am I had to log on post 'Ksi has fun with Heretics', didnt coz of boring kills.
Well its my first character necromancer, so a bit slow and just dont_know_how_ _to_fight_you. More interesting battles are forward 8) Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: deda on May 06, 2007, 12:38:11 am To Solan: If you would believe me, after alter archmage the second place on the how- to-kill-a-heretic list is held by invokers. Sheet works well even thru spellbane... Lower lightning resist and there you go... Also, efb is an area and if a shadow heretic has enough reflex svs he/ she is going to have no difficulties against it... To taelina: exceptional fighting, you just need to find some saves gear and you'll gonna rock!
In the end, you were very lucky since both of the necros didn't have full set of mummies and neither had a dracolich... Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Sir Solan on May 06, 2007, 12:48:00 am Well Deda, that used to be the case. Back a while ago, you're basically right, though a bit off on specifics - sheet and enhanced both target group, neither is an area spell. And yes, both used to go through spellbane every time. Several months ago, before this recent p-wipe, this was changed, however (I think there was even a note about it). Now sheet lightning and enhanced fireball can both be reflected, although I'll admit they have a somewhat higher chance to go through spellbane. If you look at the log though, in certain parts you can see where enhanced fireballs are being reflected back at me about 50% of the time or more...I can get a log of fighting inquisitor if you like, using both spells, both reflect very often.
So, invokers -used- to be real good at fighting heretics, but a bunch of offensive power was taken away. Now, I fought Taelina today after she killed enough to reach hero PK range, and they managed to pierce relatively well, but I think being 5 ranks higher had something to do with that, so I'll wait and see how they do against a hero ranked heretic...again, though, around 50% reflection from inquisitor. (In re-reading your post, I think maybe you were aware of this, saying that it just worked better than most spells, and if this is the case, I apologize for the long-winded reply...though again, 50% reflection really hurts, and this is basically consistent in the many times I fought him...maybe I should get a spell called "damagebane"? ::)) Anyways, I won't comment more on this here, as it's not the topic of the post. PS. Apologies if this little discussion sounded like a whine, I'm just rather confused why the change was made, as it weakened invokers only against heretics, while heretics gained a move to resist all elemental magic (Fists, at least) Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Proph on May 06, 2007, 04:16:56 am exceptional fighting, you just need to find some saves gear and you'll gonna rock! Where was the exceptional fighting on Taelina's part? Seemed pretty standard to me, necros were just outmatched :(Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: deda on May 06, 2007, 05:39:15 am Hmm, reraiding blind against necros?
Btw, Proph when was the last time you saw a fighter-like class winning against two necros? Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Proph on May 06, 2007, 07:24:34 am Two necros who are inexperienced, lower in rank and minions are occupied nearly the entire time? Never.
I'm not saying she isn't strong or she doesn't dodge well, I just didn't see any particularly amazing tactics here and wondered if I'd missed something. Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Kolin on May 06, 2007, 06:47:18 pm We ask for logs. Who cares if they lack a point or don't show some amazing tactics. Something to read, and i'm all for logs of this kind.
Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Kage on May 06, 2007, 10:47:29 pm -agreed... these logs are at their base entertaining. I am just getting into it logging and hope to add some. Couple years ago they were one of the few places to learn some tactics for at times an unforgiving pk system. But they are at times used for a not so humble purpose of course. Look forward to a lot more I hope, and they dont necessarily have to be the most amazing death defying battles to be interesting.
Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Proph on May 07, 2007, 01:36:57 am Of course I appreciate the logs, and if you'd payed attention you'd see I never said anything to Illieta (who posted the log). Just asking deda about his comments.
By all means people, keep posting logs. Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Illieta on May 07, 2007, 04:25:31 am exceptional fighting, you just need to find some saves gear and you'll gonna rock! Where was the exceptional fighting on Taelina's part? Seemed pretty standard to me, necros were just outmatched :(Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Kage on May 07, 2007, 05:20:25 am -anyway lets put it to bed, killin two tower necros most likely under proxied shields is at least worth mentioning. exceptional? who knows. perhaps if you kidnapped and stung all pets then returned and weapon turned the necros to death then it would pass that mark of excellence to the world. heh ::)
Title: Re: Taelina is having fun with Tower Post by: Kage on May 07, 2007, 06:52:35 pm well not weapon turn..shadow :-[.