Title: flying mounts Post by: Kage on May 07, 2007, 07:20:55 pm - if a mount is cast fly upon and you mount him you cant ride over water. you both need to be flying...shouldnt your mount glide you over it if your mounted on him?
Title: Re: flying mounts Post by: Proph on May 08, 2007, 04:41:00 am In my experience all pets will "fly" or "cross water" based on what is affecting your character.
Example: you hold a boat in inv and walk across river. your horse, or mummies or whatever will automatically cross. No need to cast anything on pets, just worry about yourself Title: Re: flying mounts Post by: Malyki on May 08, 2007, 06:12:58 am Are the dracolich supposed to be able to fly like the dragons for both Knights of Takhsis and Solamnia?
Title: Re: flying mounts Post by: Kage on May 08, 2007, 07:31:25 pm -well I can understand holding a boat...you could imagine ferrying your pets across...but if Im flying, my mount doesnt need to be? Im carrying all pets and mount in my hands across a sea? if dracolich and other flying pets of cabals can carry their rider...a flying donkey should just the same dont we think? or is that just two flying jackasses :P
Title: Re: flying mounts Post by: Malyki on May 08, 2007, 11:27:47 pm I am sorry I got abit off topic here, the flying I was talking to is above the lands like when an transmuter changes form to an eagle and flys over the land, it is a much quicker way of travel sorta.
Title: Re: flying mounts Post by: Proph on May 09, 2007, 12:20:12 am I didn't say it makes sense... that's just how it is. Maybe it wasn't that way before and people got sick of flying their pets each and every time. It might have made boat more appealing than fly spell so they changed it to even it out. Dunno.