Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: deda on May 14, 2007, 03:42:51 am

Title: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: deda on May 14, 2007, 03:42:51 am
should silence those undead casters, imho. If one know how to hurt the undead more, he should also be able to stop them from casting spells.

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: Proph on May 14, 2007, 09:05:42 am
I think it's because undead lack traditional organs so you can't close their throat. No larynx to strike to silence them, no arteries to slice and cause them to bleed... the list goes on. If you want to implement your idea, then Imms would have to rework the whole way that undeads work in the game.

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: Kage on May 14, 2007, 07:01:05 pm
-agreed,  perhaps the undead cast spells somatically if you need an rp reason that is doesnt work,  but they are reanimated by unnatural means so the arguement that their voicebox does not function the same is sound. but they are speaking somehow.
       But then that poses the problem why can they be 'nerved' by assassins and dirted at times (nightfall has zombies with no eyes in sockets and can be dirted, odd).  if no proper blood..then no functioning nerves so nerve should be ineffective and obviously no eyes..then no dirt should hinder anything.
       So perhaps some uniformity could be installed.  either they speak, see and are animated by some unknown mystical force thereby being immune to tigerclaw, nerve , bleed and physical blindness etc. Or their bodies are brought 'back' to life and their susceptible to these but perhaps extremely resistant.  Seems as it is now some things get'm and some dont.

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: deda on May 14, 2007, 11:58:58 pm
So, since they've got no throats, eyes, voiceboxes, larynxes to cast spells with where in the name of Abyss (!!! 8)) does that wither comes from? Their bottoms? I'd like someone to elaborate this issue, perhaps an immortal.

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: Proph on May 15, 2007, 12:07:58 am
Deda, you're beating a (un)dead horse here. You're asking how they can speak when they don't have traditional anatomy (because they've already died), when the real question should be how can they move around etc without functioning organs. Maybe the same arcane force that animates their decayed frames gives them a voice from beyond the grave. They're undead, it doesn't have to be logical.

necrophys does its job already. I'm sure there's reasons that certain skills work on undead while certain ones don't-- Probably a mixture of balance, lack of coders and the fact that there are much more important changes to be made in the MUD. If you want tiger claw to be changed, then you might as well change EVERY skill that doesn't affect undead (and there are a lot).

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: deda on May 15, 2007, 12:11:02 am
Yeah, i know that the horse is a dead beat ;D But you can't blame me for trying...

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: Kage on May 15, 2007, 12:16:59 am
-*nods* they are magical vessels incarnated in a meat sack.  Perhaps it is just a mere thought needed to wither you.  a wand of fireball just casts fireball when doesnt speak either heh.  
       though an undead dragon  can on the other hand be tigerclawed though I dont recall if it hinders their spellcasting if any...but does stop their breath so figure that out.

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: deda on May 15, 2007, 12:23:58 am
The only troublesome undead dragon/ dracolich is the one in the Maus... The rest are cake...

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: Proph on May 15, 2007, 02:12:28 am
The only troublesome undead dragon/ dracolich is the one in the Maus... The rest are cake...

You haven't met them all, and that's all I'm saying about it. *winks*

Title: Re: Tigerclaw+necrophysiology
Post by: deda on May 15, 2007, 05:16:05 am
Well, after being around Solace for 7 years, i still call myself a newbie... That's is why i still cling to it! ;)