Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Ideas => Topic started by: deda on June 05, 2007, 03:35:25 pm

Title: Sparing partner
Post by: deda on June 05, 2007, 03:35:25 pm
For all fighter-like classes, there could be a sparing partner so that one can practice skills on him in the guild. He should be invulnerable (naturally) and low level so that even noobs can practice on him...

Title: Re: Sparing partner
Post by: inkognito on June 05, 2007, 03:38:28 pm
actually there is some kind of cat that is invuln to all things... ask Solan
by the way it is better for that creature to be high level or heroes would learn very very slow from such freak creature. There are also very lot creatures immune to some kinds of damage, why not use them... cardinals south from kal immune to lightning.

Title: Re: Sparing partner
Post by: inkognito on June 05, 2007, 03:47:10 pm
there should also be warning in newbie guide for newbies, if there are any ;). Master skills to 100% before pk. Usually new players go to pk with skills on 75% which is mistake and later they complain how they die (this is not against any of players who play atm, it is for those who want to come (but we all want to, doesnt we ;)

Title: Re: Sparing partner
Post by: Rialon on June 05, 2007, 04:14:30 pm
Heh, it would be too convenient, don't you think? As was mentioned, there are creature immune to different elementals and a warrior can master skills with appropriate weapon. Also there are at least two immune creatures, that i know of, that are easy to take damage from for an infinite time. Fighters are not mages, they are not supposed to sit in guild and master, it is actually quite cheaty with the current situation of immune mobs already.

Title: Re: Sparing partner
Post by: deda on June 05, 2007, 11:39:16 pm
What do you mean "cheaty"? How can you practice skills in a "cheaty" way? Casting dispel on your poor kitten is not "cheaty" and mastering parry, dodge and other weapons IS "cheaty"?  ???
I know of immune mobs, I know where to find them, but a fighter needs to reach at least rank 15-20 in order to survive a few rounds with these NPCs. Not to mention gating evil priests, invisible necros and outcasts.
If you want to practice dagger you get a crystal spike and go to cardinals, but what if you want to practice some other weapon? And like someone said IT IS essential that a fighter has weapons, parry and dodge mastered before reaching PK range...

Title: Re: Sparing partner
Post by: Matthew on June 06, 2007, 12:00:43 am
You can master parry dodge etc with a dagger no matter what weapons you specialized. I run around and dirt/blind as many in the glade as i can and fight them all at once, even on cleric. Bam, mastered parry/shield block etc in about 15 minutes.

Title: Re: Sparing partner
Post by: deda on June 06, 2007, 02:09:37 am
You forget a fact that fighter usually kills NPCs lot faster than other classes so it's hard to get all glade creatures in one room... Also the cleric skills you are talking about are higher than level 10 and at that point you get detect invisibility so an invisible predator cannot sneak up on you so easily...

Title: Re: Sparing partner
Post by: Matthew on June 06, 2007, 02:24:39 am
Thats why you use spike! So you do not damage them while you gather them together!