Title: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Rionne on June 12, 2007, 02:24:33 pm (I'm dismounted, fighting barbarian. Warhorse is in same place with me)
[log] <1266/1271hp 567/648mana 350/350mv 1057322tnl | EW> < T: Rionne TC: a few scratches E: a huge barbarian EC: a few scratches > < > fleeYou turn around, trying to escape! A huge barbarian moves to block the passage west. <-- barbarian blocks me correctly, but... At the foot of snowy mountains [Exits: east west] (Red Aura) Zuhan the male dark elf is here. You flee from combat! The silver aura around your body fades. <1266/1271hp 517/648mana 330/350mv 1057322tnl | EW> You peer intently west. **** 1 west **** **** 2 west **** (Red Aura) Zuhan the male dark elf is here. **** 3 west **** **** 4 west **** A heavily muscled barbarian stands guard over the camp. **** 5 west **** (Charmed) A warhorse is here waiting for it's master. <-- It fled in different direction, and is now in the camp! [/log] Shouldn't clan guard prevent mounts from entering as well as players? Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Matthew on June 12, 2007, 04:53:57 pm Where is the fun in that? Adds to the charm or reraiding!
Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Kage on June 12, 2007, 06:22:09 pm -fun maybe..charming eh, but does it make sense? mount is your ally and in your group, guard should stop him like any others in your group trying to flee past him I think as well. The mount in this case is an enemy combatant and none of those would be freely allowed in the cabal in any other case.
Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Proph on June 12, 2007, 08:29:35 pm guards of clan halls and guild guards do not keep NPCs from entering. This is why you see street cleaners inside of obsidian tower or knights resting place etc.
There is no bug here, and rp-wise you could say its a matter of clan tactics and they don't see pets as a threat without their master present. Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Matthew on June 13, 2007, 12:29:41 am In fact sometimes i reckon its more of a feature!
Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Kage on June 13, 2007, 01:33:36 am - sure I understand. just some clans *whistles* would lose 'most' or argueably all their battle prowess when this occurs perhaps those clans...could call their animal back with I dont know ....a whistle maybe
Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Matthew on June 13, 2007, 01:54:06 am It is best when mummies flee past :)
Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Rionne on June 13, 2007, 12:23:47 pm Eh? It's not bug? Sorry then :P
Title: Re: Mount fleeing past clan guard Post by: Sirrion on August 22, 2007, 08:50:42 am Not a bug.