Title: Bug with questor Post by: Morte on October 20, 2005, 11:15:49 pm You say 'skins' The knight of assassination says 'Fine, I' ll sell you some comfortable skins.' <xxxx/xxxxhp xxx/xxxm 460/460mv TNL:0 Exits:ES> i You are carrying: (Glowing) a crystal flask a crimson flask an oaken staff ( 2) a leather backpack a scroll with blue seal (Glowing) staff fashioned from blue coral a shadow orb a beaker of endless water <xxxx/xxxxhp xxx/xxxm 460/460mv TNL:0 Exits:ES> l A darkened marble road lined with poison ivy You stand on a darkened road that has poison ivy growing along it. This trail seems eerie and cold, the ivy twisted as if spiked nooses. Leafless trees grow a distance from the trail, and beyond that you can see the outline of a few marble buildings. At your feet is a dirt covered marble street with weeds that mutilate the trail, sprouting from between the stones. You can leave to the south and to the east. [Exits: east south] A mighty soldier clad in black armors glares at you. Carrying 25/32 items (330/340 pounds) Even if it is more heavy then 10 ponds... why he took money and did not dropped it ? Title: Re: Bug with questor Post by: Morte on October 20, 2005, 11:32:29 pm give me my 1000 coins back !!! >:(