Title: limited items again Post by: inkognito on July 02, 2007, 01:18:23 pm [log]
[Exits: north east south west] A city soldier patrols the streets for trouble. Due to your long absence in Solace some of your limited items have disappeared. A crystal spike vaporises in a flash of light! A ring set with a blue sapphire vaporises in a flash of light! A Troll-sword vaporises in a flash of light! There are 2 new news articles waiting. There are 12 changes waiting to be read. [/log] Played 3 hours today, reconnected and things i got 2 hours ago disappeared. I suppose it is not planned to work this way. Title: Re: limited items again Post by: deda on July 03, 2007, 12:10:52 am There is a word for such things: gay! :(
Title: Re: limited items again Post by: Matthew on July 03, 2007, 10:32:24 am Hrm yesterday i made a character and played it for several hours, this morning it has none of the few limited items i picked up.