Title: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: zlo on July 30, 2007, 11:42:31 pm http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=119
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Quino on July 30, 2007, 11:43:27 pm I'm desperate to see the log about OOC gang!
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Quino on July 30, 2007, 11:45:58 pm Send me log to pm, I will generate temporary link
upd. damn, sorry, it seems I don't have enough rights currently Need someone with ftp access to current hosting... Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Moon_Face on July 31, 2007, 10:30:07 am A writhing black tentacle whips from around Algrash and tries to lash you!
Algrash's lash scratches you. Seems it is bug . I have not seen even one time recovery worked. Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on July 31, 2007, 11:12:31 am Whats the go there?
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? ... Post by: Nierth on July 31, 2007, 11:29:28 am Fixed.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: glorg on July 31, 2007, 12:39:37 pm bgggg
pwned Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on July 31, 2007, 01:21:39 pm What was it Algrash and Nerkhalyn told my little and naked cause all its gear foomed, neutral elf when they killed it right after i logged on and stood in palanthas market square? The queen says all elves must die? Yeah i think thats what they said, in fact its exactly what they said even if they are in palanthas at the time. Hrm what else, Clan members should not accept any assistance from outsiders for their Clan needs (i.e. raids, re-raids, Clan conversations and Clan wars). These actions are retarded, makes me wonder why bother playing. Delete delete delete delete . . .
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: moq on July 31, 2007, 02:13:09 pm Hmmm...
I'd like to say that Zuhan is not so very clean with clanned-RP stuff 'cause he's using OOCtalk and such (no offence). On the other hand, what should Algrash do when enemies are violating the sacred Temple? Let's solve the problem now, and sort out elves and kenders later. :-) And I am absolutely sure there were no OOC interactions in that situation. Though I could be wrong, and i am a noob (otmazka) :-P Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Blackley on July 31, 2007, 02:15:42 pm Mya is neutral elf, not good
Mya & Takhisis Knight hunted each other for long time (they are enemies) Mya wasn't summoned to Temple by anyone, her own actions Mya is mage and has own reasons to manipulate this heretics death Wall separates Mya from takhisis knight, when wall fell she would be his next target its funny when people talk about "OOC gang". As far as I know takhisis knight & mya are enemies and don't know each other at all ooc. Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on July 31, 2007, 02:33:00 pm My post mainly deals with Algrash's consistent lack of knightly RP, if your an elf by the way, Takhisis knights do not care what you believe in. In this case honorable knights should withdraw from the fight until the wall and Mya is dealt with. Or if possible deal with Mya himself as such interference is offensive to a knights honor.
I totally agree with moq. Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Lady Lunitari on July 31, 2007, 03:20:31 pm Regarding the name of the topic, I can say only: they have no ooc talks. Moreover, Zuhan probably has it and he sees the it in the actions of others:-P
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Nierth on July 31, 2007, 04:07:58 pm Send me log to pm, I will generate temporary link upd. damn, sorry, it seems I don't have enough rights currently Need someone with ftp access to current hosting... you make ma laugh sometimes, you know why =) Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Mentalist on July 31, 2007, 04:22:26 pm Hey, isn't Wall affecting knight & heretic both?
Sure, knight can word out, but them heretic can raid in safety no problem Maybe Mya is in team with Zuhan ??? Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Quino on July 31, 2007, 04:34:21 pm Send me log to pm, I will generate temporary link upd. damn, sorry, it seems I don't have enough rights currently Need someone with ftp access to current hosting... you make ma laugh sometimes, you know why =) Shhh! :) You don't even know what I was trying to do! Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on July 31, 2007, 07:06:26 pm Honestly i think Zlo's problem is he keeps picking fights he can't win, today he learned not to attack 3 people. . . a shame though, it was apparently too much for him or he didn't like being looted indiscriminately.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: zlo on July 31, 2007, 08:12:13 pm Seems it was not ooc with Mya, but it is not allowed to help in clanwars especialy Elf helps takhisis.. I will not play Zuhan any more, i deleted him.
Good luck to all. Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: moq on July 31, 2007, 09:16:36 pm The realm will await your return (c)
A brand new start is good sometimes, isn't it? I hope we will see new logs from you soon :-) Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on August 01, 2007, 01:25:10 am Err no non-clanned people can do what they like, Mya could be there throwing fireballs if she pleased. . .Clannies are not allowed to accept help from them.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Mentalist on August 01, 2007, 10:16:51 am Takhisis Knight isn't accepting "help"- she's walled him inside with tough enemy, its act of aggression damn it
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: inkognito on August 01, 2007, 11:14:41 am It is not ooc, its just... well, both lion and jackal want to hunt wounded antillope... and jackals and lions are big enemies too...its something like that.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on August 01, 2007, 03:11:05 pm If you do not deny it, you have accepted it. There is no honor in slaying an opponent weakened by interference. Interference should anger a knight of Takhisis greatly, they wish to prove they are stronger than their opponent and you can't do that if it looks like you had help.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Mentalist on August 01, 2007, 04:15:24 pm Damn! Whats the problem? Heretic is smashing dragon- Wall or no Wall, Heretic is first target in defence of keep!
Mya was not called to keep! Read "help Takhisis" The Dark Knights are brave and even honorable, though not in the same way as the Knights of Solamnia. Takhisis Knight KEPT his honour- no full loot of invader, no sacrificing his gear, and after heretic is dead- kill wall, and attacked Mya! Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on August 01, 2007, 04:21:06 pm I don't need to read help Takhisis i have been told directly by immortals, and ive read the books. You need to read my posts properly and then you need to read some dragonlance novels.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Mentalist on August 01, 2007, 04:44:00 pm Well I can't wind against novels, I have only read 3, but I will just say this finally-
We can't see tells between Knight and Mya. They may have rped this moment beautifully, maybe like: Mya tells you, 'Now you are trapped, dark beast. Let the evil of shadowy assassins snap your neck, or you defeat him. Evil will always consume itself.' Algrash tells Mya, 'You miserable Elf. You dishonour my temple with your magic. I will kill this intruder, be sure, then your skull will join my collection.' Or whatever Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: inkognito on August 01, 2007, 05:00:52 pm Algrash tells Mya, 'You miserable Elf. You dishonour my temple with your magic. I will kill this intruder, be sure, then your skull will join my collection.' only skull? i've heard that dried elven tongues and ears are good for showing too :) Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Rialon on August 01, 2007, 05:49:50 pm Wow, i did not even think, that all this could be ooc. Mya is an enemy of Takhisis for sure. And she does not like Herecy either. Herecy and Takhisis are enemies too. What, the Cardinal of the Skull should have helped the dishonourable sneaking/hiding/dirting/strangling dark elf to smash the wall? And of course Mya's actiaons are justified also as she is an unclanned neutral elven mage.
And about knight roleplay- most books are about Lily knights. Skulls and Thorns ever moreso are different. That head of thorn mages took the staff of Magius from Palin easily and would have taken any other valuable artifact. And the skull knights are about loyalty to the Queen, not valor and honor. Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Matthew on August 01, 2007, 07:07:18 pm Look you guys can rp how ever you like, if someone gives advice just say thank you or ok and use it or not, don't try and poke holes in it.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: Rialon on August 01, 2007, 11:23:12 pm Damn, too bad i can not post the log of battle with Mya just now. It involved a several hour chase across the realm, with close retreats, when she overdamaged, then luring into a trap from her side, but my char getting out due to right feat and her getting into my and Cardinals's trap. Sadly i did not log and there is too much to copy/paste? but perhaps Algrash shall post something later.
Title: Re: OOC Cheaters again!? Post by: ezus on August 02, 2007, 12:13:38 am ohh mya ;D Sorry but from my view that was Arena between cutthroat and cardinal ;D I even gave some space for cutthroat... In other case wall will be a bit closer to two-headed dragon...
P.S. Rialon i logged from first fight in palanthas... Haven't part from Naiadia |