Title: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Raider on August 14, 2007, 11:48:19 am An insane idea appeared in my broken brain.
invite all old players to solace. divide people among clans(i.e. takhisis vs solamnia), create teams. discuss conditions. set the meeting time. And start the endless bloodshed. Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: unreal on August 14, 2007, 11:53:12 am +1
Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Critic on August 14, 2007, 01:06:01 pm +2
Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: ezus on August 14, 2007, 01:07:08 pm +3
Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Matthew on August 14, 2007, 01:23:18 pm +4
Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Rialon on August 14, 2007, 04:40:45 pm +5
Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Moon_Face on August 14, 2007, 05:24:03 pm It is my dreams to have a solace with several options:
Rank up to gain immideatly +1 rank. Master to get all skills mastered. Endless pit filled with hundreds unique items. It will be the best time! Sometimes we do it in old version of solace. Very cool. Is it possible to ask gods to open such one PK Solace? Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: ezus on August 14, 2007, 05:30:40 pm Rank up to gain immideatly +1 rank. Master to get all skills mastered. Endless pit filled with hundreds unique items. It will be boredom then. Fun of looting will be lost. Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Moon_Face on August 14, 2007, 05:55:52 pm Dnno, for us it is very funny.
You do not loot enemy, but you and do not try to save your own shinies. If one expiriment failed cs of luck, you try it again and again and then one funny secceful attempt costs evrything. Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: ezus on August 15, 2007, 07:33:02 am Sorry, but seems you scared of loosing shinies... Haven't enough guts?:)
Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Matthew on August 15, 2007, 02:55:00 pm I think he means just for an event? Maybe not :P Just for an event would be cool, on another mud i have played they have 'chaos days' where you can make a level one, level it up with all spells and pro's etc and just go kill as many people as possible, tick times are cut to like 100th so you regen and memorize spells at insane speeds, later in the 'day' not so much real equipment is left so bags of chaos equipment are handed out in each inn by the bouncer, with massive bonus's for all classes. It really is a day of chaos and its loads of fun. Especially for newbies who do not get much pk experience normally as they always just get utterly destroyed. I have seen chaos days turn timid newbies into rabid genocidal maniac's! Also Immortal organized events are key factors in most really successful muds.
Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Kage on August 15, 2007, 06:23:08 pm -yes though these other muds generally have more staff and funding..immortal sponsored events rule the day. Such as npc invasions led by immortals possessing npc characters. ie. Soth leavind daargard invading palanthas, or dragons revolting from towers and mountains..or even more complex... rival clans battling with an immortal possessing each inner guard and having large scale clan wars that could ,due to lack of population, be scheduled in an rp manner on the message board.
At the very least have arenas placed in cities for newbies and heros to master dueling skills...might keep some from shying away from combat caused by quick annihilation from lack of battle experience. Consentual of course and non-lethal. Could be something like "type - challenge _______" then they "type - accept ______" Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: Moon_Face on August 16, 2007, 08:51:42 am Matthew, chaos days sound very interesting.
I vote vor a chaos weak! Title: Re: OOC organized team deathmatch Post by: vantala on August 16, 2007, 09:27:55 am Sounds good, I vote for.