Title: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: Raider on August 16, 2007, 07:26:40 pm dont know if it was posted already before.
[log] Start logging: 10.11.2004 14:10 who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=- Zara the female elf [TAKHISIS] (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Knight of the Lily (PK) Lupinag the male minotaur, Warder of the Forests Amelie the female dark elf [TAKHISIS] (PK) Redrak the male draconian, Knight of the Skull [TAKHISIS] Rastama the male human, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis Ramalor the male human Falitan the male elf Apheth the male kender Finam the male elf Chabat the male dark elf Deison the male minotaur Erasmus the female half-elf Players found: 13 [/log] seems tags dont work :/ Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: Rialon on August 17, 2007, 12:06:20 pm Are you using regular [log]? I think that is what you're supposed to use even for big logs now.
Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: Raider on August 17, 2007, 12:33:01 pm khm, dont you see [log] and [/log]? :)
Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: Nierth on August 17, 2007, 03:44:03 pm do not understand you at all. :-\
Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: deda on August 17, 2007, 04:15:31 pm Maybe just send the log to Nierth so she can do her magic and we all get finally to see it? The suspense is killing me! ;D
Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: Nierth on August 23, 2007, 09:30:00 am deda, I can't understand why he couldn't post it here himself.
Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: unreal on August 23, 2007, 02:17:37 pm It seems I know this log.. ;D http://solace.i-read-you.ru/forum/logs/lview2.php?log=123 Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: Matthew on August 23, 2007, 03:20:20 pm Should like, chop out the pointless bits inbetween?!
Title: Re: Zerthan, Redrak vs Norgard, Grothmor, Lupinag. Old log. Post by: Hiddukel on August 27, 2007, 07:06:43 pm Uff, Lupinag was my suckiest character. How to make every mistake possible....