Title: minions and forest south of kalaman Post by: Niano on October 22, 2005, 06:32:50 am Ok, i had some decent minions i spent a good deal of time getting, and i went to the forest south of kalaman, and there are those tunnels below them. Well, i went down into the tunnels and my minions didn't follow. Not only did they not follow but they dissappeared completely. Still listed in my group, but were nowhere to be found at all...
Title: Re: minions and forest south of kalaman Post by: jemma on October 22, 2005, 07:08:46 am Disobedient minions!! Did anyone summons them away? Or are they unable to be summoned?
Title: Re: minions and forest south of kalaman Post by: Niano on October 22, 2005, 07:16:42 am I was only one in the realms...so i doubt someone else summoned them.