Title: Morgi clerics Post by: Werewolf on October 12, 2007, 02:17:18 pm I wonder why cure disease was taken away from them. It was always being said that Morgion sent illness on people, but when they agreed to serve them, the illness was removed, for the time of servitude. Something like that should be done. Maybe not a complete healing, but some way to prevent disease spread among trusted people and hurt them. For instance, 'Seeming relief' empower that removes strength loss and hurting every tick, but not removing the spreading, and not removing the plague itself. Morgion cleric should be master of the diseases, not a slave.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Rionne on October 12, 2007, 02:22:48 pm [log]
c 'control plague' You rein in the plague in your body and stop it from spreading. c 'control plague' You unleash the power of the virulent plague and allow it to spread! [/log] Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: dedraelos on October 12, 2007, 02:46:29 pm Biggest problem of Morgion clerics being empowered by disease, is that it makes it difficult for group members and/or pets. Also, now there is no direct healing empower. It's more of an improved regen ability.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Matthew on October 12, 2007, 03:00:27 pm Spread plague and decay among all, you need no allies who do not do the same!
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: dedraelos on October 12, 2007, 03:03:34 pm Oh, and I'm still thinking that morgion clerics are breaking the game. I'm going to stop playing mine until I get a message on the boards saying it's ok to do so.
It probably has something to do with that much plague (and all the new calculations involved in plague) being spread too far and putting too much strain on the resources? Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Matthew on October 12, 2007, 03:15:19 pm Will you stop that?!
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: dedraelos on October 12, 2007, 03:16:14 pm Yes.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: dedraelos on October 12, 2007, 08:31:18 pm Can we think about something to prevent/hinder mount deaths due to plague? It's rather expensive to replace the mounts, and they die quickly to the damage. Morgion clerics will now try to travel almost always while plagued, and any cleric worth his salt tries to stay mounted all the time. These two things work in conflict and if we could find some way to prevent it, along with plagues to your groupmates when growing.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Kage on October 22, 2007, 01:09:23 am how about- cast "foul cloud" works like divine presence, as in group affecting, and continues plague bonuses for morgion cler as usual but coats group members and mounts in protective coating so they feel no negatives.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: deda on October 25, 2007, 02:32:24 pm Yeah, something similar to the thing that prevents groupmates and mounts from a Chiscler's poisonous cloud prayer.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Kage on October 25, 2007, 05:41:24 pm - also perhaps the disease shouldnt spread to lower then pk range mounts...a hero morgion could pass his disease from him to a group of newbs donkeys and hero level plague wipes'em out. sorta cheap to slay young ones this way. now if its on a npc...oh well..spread away...but loop hole seems pet to pet. after all gods protect mounts from pk out of range too.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: moq on December 16, 2007, 01:02:50 am renewing the old thread.. is that permissible? :-)
I think its ok that you infect your groupmates with disease and cant cure them, because secrecy is Morgion's way (as well as his followers') thus you need no groupmates. But the situation with mounts is rather absurd IMO. You must abandon it somewhere or travel w/o your pretty pestilence on you, or chances are you may gallop a nearly dead horse to battle. Why cant oh so powerful priest just kill his horse, then raise it, and ride a nasty disease-spreading fear-arousing undead carcass? It would have style! Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Kage on December 16, 2007, 04:30:31 am - This is simple I think...groupmates dont get hit with fireballs (invoker is disciplined enough to control their power is not a cleric?)...so groupmates shouldnt be affected negatively by another groupmate. Morgion cleric is not so powerful that he needs no groupmates or mount ever, rp or not..this is clear, maybe necromancers never need anyone but that is up for debate too. Just leave plague how it was (malediction with spreading chance use at your own risk), make poisoning self a regeneration agent and give morgions a specific empower called Pestilence ... disease/negative damage (maybe chance to poison and disease) cast on foes...and cast on self heals (maybe cure critical strength 40 mana maybe). Tada!
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Kiri-Jolith on December 28, 2007, 06:18:03 pm Morgion clerics should not spread plague to their groupmates and clanmates. Active next reboot.
Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: moq on December 31, 2007, 03:34:54 pm >>Morgion clerics should not spread plague to their groupmates and clanmates.
doesnt work (well, if only pets are considered as groupmates...) Title: Re: Morgi clerics Post by: Kiri-Jolith on December 31, 2007, 04:51:24 pm Such things should be reported in BUGs section with detailed description. I have made an additional fix to it.