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General => Logs => Topic started by: Hansen on October 24, 2007, 08:44:56 pm

Title: Hansen the knights request
Post by: Hansen on October 24, 2007, 08:44:56 pm
 A perfectly folded paper with silver writing

Wed Oct 24 07:48:05 2007

To: Solamnia, immortal

Dear Sirs,

It is with a troubled heart that I send this note. I do not agree with the path that the Knights of Solmnia are following. I joined this Order with hopes to be banded with others that held the Code and Measure in their hearts.

As i have said I think some knights are nothing more than Assassins and Thieves. You need a Leader, someone that will hold the knights to their pledge. Because of my feelings I now must stand for what i think is right and true. I turn in my Slomnic Sword and Armor. I release my Dragon and pray to the gods that honor will be returned to you all. I can no longer call myself a knight of the sword or of Solmnia. Until there is a time when Truth, Justice, the Code and Measure are upheld and each knight is judged on their actions, I must leave this once Blessed Order.

To those that do keep and hold these things may Paladine Bless you. I hope that I do not lose my friendships that i have made. And as a knight still i will help anyone of you in need. My Honor is my Life.


Hansen the Half-Elven
Once Knight of the Sword

I want all to know my feelings so that mabey my actions will bring a new order and honor will be restored!!!!

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: ezus on October 25, 2007, 10:51:16 am
Sorry man. But it's look like you staying at station wearing pure white clothes and all other sit in train filled by sh*t.
Try to do something. TO DO. Not to say.  ;)
I mean what this Hansen 'The long tongue' did by self? As 'happy mooh of takhisis' i never met him at battlefield. Seems it's normal for 'right' knight to say words from hidden place.  ;)

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: Rialon on October 25, 2007, 01:24:40 pm
Not sure he can do much in the battlefield as he is sort of newbish as i understand. Nothing wrong here. I really enjoyed an ic short discussion with Hansen, when he was an applicant. Just hope he does not loose all his rp as he progresses in pk  ;)

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: deda on October 25, 2007, 02:25:27 pm
I agree with Rialon. Best pkers never say anything - they just storm you and kick your butt and go away without a word, leaving us crying "why, oh why"...

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: ezus on October 25, 2007, 02:39:30 pm
Seems you misunderstood my words. Ok. Another way. 
In my opinion he is not knight. Just words. But. Look. Anyone can write such note and so on... and leave. *spit* But if you say something - fight for it. No matter bout chances. Just stand up and fight. Open yours eyes - and fight. Show the soul of warrior. Fight, fight and fight for yours believe. It's much better then say a word and leave.

P.S. Also you'll learn pk through fighting.

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: blah on October 25, 2007, 05:15:10 pm
First, kill all other knights who break clan rules! Or else, you are weak :)
Evil must be cleansed, especially if it tries to make roots in your own Order of Templars :)

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: Hansen on October 25, 2007, 05:19:29 pm
I am only wishing to leave the Order not to leave Solace. I will continue to uphold what i feel is Right and just. I am new to solace but not to Dragonlance, so i feel ic this is what hansen would do. i have not hidden away i am from the Us so i play at akward and off times. I will stand and fight anyone that is not "Good". Should i die then i die. this is a forward movement for RP with this character. IC i have a chain of command and as i have posted notes and prayed "no responce" i have done as i feel i should. i am really not good at PK but i am not afraid to die it is how i learn. so if anyone has "Beef" then let us meet i will do as i say ic and fight. with these words i fight the path that the knights are on. remember the pen is mightier than the sword.

I am not the person that can judge the knights i am not the leader and refuse to kill those that have only fallen some. I leave because i make a stand for tmy Clan so that mabey they can do right and restore Honor. If i see a knight kill or steal unjustly then yes i will stand against them. My honor is my life. i will not have my honor thrashed because of some clan i know what is right and will uphold it.

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: blah on October 25, 2007, 05:26:30 pm
Or... if you want to play honourably, you may think of joining warders  8)
Once there was rule in warders that only one item could be looted. Not so motivating for pk though...but  hey if you have killed somebody without his relics, you already do not need them.

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: Kage on October 25, 2007, 05:34:39 pm
- at least its rp.  Id rather someone didnt just leave ...speak out on it and he did it ic instead of the usual OOC in game tells..."you looting #$%#, your not supposed to do that!"  seems like Ive heard he has done something ic in game about it as well,  what can you do ?  fight another knight for having no honor...would be neat.  Should be more IC clan posts anyway I stir up some rp...instead of "die elf..I hate elves...cuz Im like an elf hater"  or even less..."what was that about?" "umm you know why" but Ive said it before...solamnics and takhisis are best pk'er clans I think.  attracts "all business" pk'ers with the occasional elite rp'er mixed with pk'er.  Im all about it sometimes but found myself hunting and killing and that was it, just my opinion.
     Im no master pk'er now even but when I was allowed into my first  clan I was definitely "newbish" and I dont think we should discourage and put people down all the time for joining clans  and having the nerve to not know where all the limited buff pots, orbs  and magical socks of doom are.  Let 'em all in and keep em on first tier scrappin it out until some rp or great pk promotes'  was said its the best way to learn pk.

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: blah on October 26, 2007, 04:57:05 pm
Here we can see Kiri-Jolith punishing some solamnic knight who dishonoured code :),3517.msg19351/topicseen.html#msg19351

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: ezus on October 26, 2007, 05:04:41 pm
In my memory one history from past. About Solamnia. There was a sotuation when knight looted something form corpse of foe who was killed by another knight. I forgot the name of knight-thief. Just remember his long tongue. The one who killed the foe was minofighter Tyreeg. He just kicked all sh*t from this knight right in temple before our eyes.  Though a bit later most of solamnics was called as ooc band and pushed out from solamnia. Also this knight-thief was promoted lately. So...  ;D

Title: Re: Hansen the knights request
Post by: deda on October 27, 2007, 02:07:08 am
Hey, that is just the way of the world! Thieves rule the world and minos get kicked in the nutts... ::)