Title: Just saying "hello" Post by: omledufromage on October 29, 2007, 04:00:08 am ;D
Hello everyone!!! I'm back (again)!!! just wanted to say hello, and how much i missed this world. A lot!!! I hope nothing will interfere in my solace life this time. See y'all around! Title: Re: Just saying "hello" Post by: Lizzy on October 29, 2007, 04:06:30 pm Hello and welcome back. Just seems like yesterday when you said goodbye? How time flies. ;)
And, on that note, I will bid one and all a cheery farewell for awhile - not sure for how long. Just depends on how I recover :D But I won't be allowed to sit at the computer for hours on end. So, maybe tomorrow (Aussie time and not the daylight saving time) some common junk may just be lying around the place? MAYBE! :P Hey Matthew, how goes it down yonder with all the storms ripping through the area? Or are you not close to them? We haven't had much up north here, so stop hogging all the rain and storms. Send them our way please :D ONE MORE DAY to go *sighs and looks at her empty elven wine glass* *DEEP SIGHS* You playing evil again Argonar? :D Title: Re: Just saying "hello" Post by: omledufromage on October 29, 2007, 07:11:51 pm You playing evil again Argonar? :D Yep! ;D Promise my next char will not be evil. |