Title: some old idea/discussions Post by: arpade on November 27, 2007, 01:15:49 am just a couple of things that occured me...
outcasts get second and third atack very early, and by their set of skill/spells its noticable that the intention is to have a atack monster with little defense... if im not mistaken they get third atack before even fighters... why is it they dont get fourth? and minotaurs (and some other rances like DE) have some abilities that only work if they are of one specific class... sometimes this is very frustrating, to feel your paying XP to get a incomplete package. would it be so IMBA if a mino-cleric had death blow? at last, on races again, ive read the thread ppl say cobar are weak, and in there somewhere someone said "they already have the disadvantage of being human". this struck me with the thought that its quite true that generaly human isint a very atractive race. So i thought, ok, some races are stornger then others, and theres that XP balance thing... The idea would be to eliminate it. All races cost the same XP, because, face it, growing a bit faster really doesent matter. when your hero 20 your either strong or not, theres nowhere else to grow, and that advantage makes more active players (addicted) have a large priviledge. In compensation we come up with other advantages for the races considered weakest (human, half elf, etc). maybe a extra 1st level feat, to demonstrate the versatility and adaptation of these races, or etc. Title: Re: some old idea/discussions Post by: Matthew on November 27, 2007, 02:12:21 am Agree with almost everything! And to answer your question, yes they would be overpowered with deathblow, just as they are with GOS! Thing is mino fighter without deathblow would be underpowered compared to other races... But everything else agreed! Why does my mino cleric have less hps than my half-elf cleric? Both took all empower spell as feats, one has 24 con and one has 19. Why is there an xp penalty at all?!