Title: - May help pk issues Post by: Kage on November 27, 2007, 10:48:47 pm - Some of the problem with newbies and there lack of expierience in pk is the fear of death. This is natural at first but also the basis of pk fun later on in your career. Also many of the arguements of forum surround the idea of "you suck" and "I would do this to you if we fought"...yada yada yada.
One possible solution or at least relief for some of these issues could be a arena or challenge system for dueling. An in game outlet for rage, pissing contests, and pk training. One way could be : Knucklehead's command line : CHALLENGE Dumbass You have challenged dumbass to a duel, he has 1 hour to respond or decline duel - Knucklehead challenges you to a duel ! Dumbass's command line : ACCEPT knucklehead You have accepted Knuckleheads duel...duel will start in 10 minutes, Good luck! This could go to near death or leave 1 hp...(though a safe place would be wise to go to do this so someone doesnt just show up and mop the floor) Another possiblity is an arena portal in every main city...which teleports you to a 9 by 9 room arena perhaps where you can have duels, free for alls ..and what not..immortal sanctioned contests?...put powerful mobs in there for sport (gladiator type stuff). Would be a blast...on "death" (no con loss) you are expelled to your hometown altar. Im sure this isnt the first thought of this..(ive brought it up twice now) but I think it should be seriously considered. Would help people with pk ..feel the mechanics of it and help old players have fun again or more at least. Prestige for elites and experience for youngers...everyone wins...could rank it..or broadcast winner..humiliate loser..all good stuff. Title: Re: - May help pk issues Post by: Quino on November 28, 2007, 02:12:15 am Mercy is easier to implement imho :)
When you leave your opponent incapitated yet alive Title: Re: - May help pk issues Post by: arpade on November 28, 2007, 02:22:24 am would be nice if negative hp's grew with ranks, so a hero could possibly chose to leave one drying to his fate. in high lvls chances someone drops between 0 and -10 is minimal.
Title: Re: - May help pk issues Post by: Matthew on November 28, 2007, 04:51:32 am Hiddy was already talking about fixing the arena...
Title: Re: - May help pk issues Post by: Hiddukel on November 28, 2007, 11:40:45 am Not fixing, as I cannot code, but just gently prodding some Coders to fix it :)
Title: Re: - May help pk issues Post by: Kage on November 28, 2007, 03:14:58 pm - Thats great. Gentle prodding can be effective. If that fails dont be afraid to move to gentle probing. Thanks for replies
Title: Re: - May help pk issues Post by: Habbakuk on November 29, 2007, 01:54:58 am FYI there' been s certain code branch related to that, and there are far more ways to abuse it than you may foresee, whichever is the exact implementation.