Title: From old topics: Toughness feat Post by: Maerryji on November 30, 2007, 12:23:18 am 0. Toughness feats of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd circles give you 3, 4, and 5 HP per rank respectively. No matter when you choose it, the feat is retroactive.
1. Toughness vs Mind over body: In most cases these feats are equal, but sometimes this is wrong. If the intelligence is really an advantage of your character's race, choose MoB, you won't get less than for Toughness at least. If the intelligence is your weakness, choose Toughness. Very simple, isn't it? 2. Toughness does not affect "train HP". You may train and choose feats whenever it is convenient for you, with no penalties. |