Title: RP, roles, and fun for imms. Post by: arpade on December 04, 2007, 11:12:05 pm This is just a idea i came up with wich could be fun for some players and for the imms.
I think imms like to interact sometimes with the players, sometimes they put some strong mobs as a great challenge invading palanthas, etc. I think its great that they get involved and it much help alot for them to be there often enough to also assist in organizing clans, clearing up doubts, and all the more burocratic stuff. Well. I figured we could officialize something that would give them a larger range of possibilities directly involving chars. Say you write a role explaining your chars past, etc, and make it quite clear what personality your aiming to RP. then its normal. But if someone writes a role with many plots that are unsolved and a character with lots of conflict, perhaps there could be a command in the role like *open content* that you could activate, and it would mean imms could, if they want to, interfere. well sorry for the long post, and i hope its clear i dont want to push another responsability to imms, just thought they would like the idea. Title: Re: RP, roles, and fun for imms. Post by: Kolin on December 05, 2007, 07:09:04 am I have found they almost always get involved, eventually, if you stick to your role, when it is unique enough to deserve interaction, and prove over time that you aren't just RPing that one day.
But I agree Imm interaction makes the game worth playing. Nothing is better than insulting Hiddukel to your groupmates and ending up with all your gold being stolen by some random merchant .... just an example. |