Title: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Morte on October 28, 2005, 10:51:15 pm Let's turn on shield block for sbj.
Its defensive class or what ?? Any Necromanser can be so defensive with potions.... it is unfair cos sbj. has no potions or orbs to create mummy Army.. Or at least, as soon it is a mage-class, this skill could be renamed for magi like - hiding behind shield ;D You hide behind your shield and manage to avoid someone's attack. Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Nierth on October 30, 2005, 04:28:46 am Are displacement and ironskin not enought? Moreover I think it's better to hold Ikon or Banner (give you some advantages) than shield.
Though.. there are no any damage spells exept magic missile... Or it was from the very outset that abjurers shouldnt have such spells? Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Sirrion on October 30, 2005, 08:39:49 am Let's look from another side, why necromancer (and anyone) should get preparations so easily and become "almost abjurer"?
Started a poll. Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Morte on October 30, 2005, 11:55:36 am Are displacement and ironskin not enought? Moreover I think it's better to hold Ikon or Banner (give you some advantages) than shield. What advantages you speak about??? Just give them shield blocking skill and let anyone decide what to choose your so called 'advantages' or parrying skill.Though.. there are no any damage spells exept magic missile... Or it was from the very outset that abjurers shouldnt have such spells? Displacement do not saves good enouth from fast fighters and there are also orbs of it... Ironskin can not be compared at all! Ignoring of some first attacks is not so actual... better to remove such ignoring and add some parrying skill... I repeat, that abjurers are full defensive class, so let them at least to take blows easily...And I repeat again: i want that Towers abjurers became something more then just 'walking sanctuary' for clanguardians and clanmates. Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: unreal on October 30, 2005, 12:18:15 pm bullsh*t. Usual crying of a man who is playing abj right now. >:(
nothing new. Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Nierth on October 30, 2005, 12:18:32 pm May be you calm down? I've posted my thoughts, no need to raise your voice.
Anyway, I cant imagine mage with shield, sorry...=( And I dont see any reason you gave for improving abjurers exept your desire about Tower abjuration transmuters. Everyone thinks about himself first?..=( By the way, I think it's a wrong way to suxx others (removing potions or orbs) for improving abjurers. Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Morte on October 30, 2005, 12:27:33 pm May be you calm down? I've posted my thoughts, no need to raise your voice. It was roberto's idea, not mine.Anyway, I cant imagine mage with shield, sorry...=( And I dont see any reason you gave for improving abjurers exept your desire about Tower abjuration transmuters. Everyone thinks about himself first?..=( By the way, I think it's a wrong way to suxx others (removing potions or orbs) for improving abjurers. And i do not raise voice. And shield block is only one way to add parrying skill ... there could be many other ways, if your imagination is so poor ;) No doupt -your imagination is fine and much better then mine, so imagine! :D Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Morte on October 30, 2005, 12:29:03 pm bullsh*t. Usual crying of a man who is playing abj right now. >:( nothing new. Any arguments maybe ... Bullsh*t can say anyone. I have playing a lot for abj., fighted many classes and resume is: abjuration transmuter is not defensive enouth especially against herecy fighter. And what about shiled blocking i can agree with tana even... better to express this additional parrying skill in some other way... with some spell maybe (for example let blink and displacement work together) Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Nierth on October 30, 2005, 12:38:42 pm It was roberto's idea, not mine. And i do not raise voice. And shield block is only one way to add parrying skill ... there could be many other ways, if your imagination is so poor ;) Do not touch my imagination, please.*grins evilly* You have offered shield and I've replied you. If I dont agree with you it doesnt mean that you are smarter. Sure, I will be glad if parry skill would be added, but thinking fairly it isnt necessarily. Note that you are not the only one who plays this class. Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Morte on October 30, 2005, 12:42:41 pm It was roberto's idea, not mine. And i do not raise voice. And shield block is only one way to add parrying skill ... there could be many other ways, if your imagination is so poor ;) Do not touch my imagination, please.*grins evilly* You have offered shield and I've replied you. If I dont agree with you it doesnt mean that you are smarter. Sure, I will be glad if parry skill would be added, but thinking fairly it isnt necessarily. Note that you are not the only one who plays this class. Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Nierth on October 30, 2005, 12:53:54 pm =))
May be lets just improve only your character?=) And you should try to explain reasons more carefully instead of offereng me to play in Tower. Understand me?=) Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Crusader on October 30, 2005, 03:26:23 pm Lock the topic and stop all scream. Abj should recive old displacement in form.
Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Habbakuk on November 11, 2005, 10:21:05 pm Abjurers' displacement got improved a bit, all non-abjurers receive (from orbs etc) only a weak displacement version.
Title: Re: Abjuration transmuters Post by: Morte on November 15, 2005, 08:56:55 am Abjurers' displacement got improved a bit, all non-abjurers receive (from orbs etc) only a weak displacement version. Do 31 rank Heretic fighter and wellcome to raid Tower now with only one abjuration protector, lets check this last change. |