Title: Kinda bug with quest Post by: Taiko on October 29, 2005, 02:35:35 pm You say, 'Give me a quest.' A sacred angel says, 'Thank you, brave Daokir.' A sacred angel says, 'You must find a sneaky thief, who threatens one of my friends.' A sacred angel says, 'Seek a sneaky thief at the place named Walking the woods.' A sacred angel says, 'That is somewhere in the area of The Faerie Glen.' A sacred angel says, 'You have 27 hours to complete this quest.' A sacred angel says, 'After you complete your quest, come to me and say 'I finished your quest.'.' A sacred angel says, 'But you are already on a quest!' here we go... i give him one give me quest and he gives me two :) Title: Re: Kinda bug with quest Post by: Niano on October 31, 2005, 03:25:37 am It also happens when you complete the quest. He first thanks you for finishing your quest, give you the smuggler coins, then says, it wasn't me who sent you on your quest. Also, the same thing happens when you say show me your store. He shows you everything twice. Actually, it happens with any command you give him.
Title: Re: Kinda bug with quest Post by: k0rh on November 16, 2005, 02:32:37 pm Seems to be every NPC quest trigger fires twice.
I have changed 200 smuggler in one turn. |