Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Bugs => Topic started by: Raider on January 02, 2008, 11:47:10 am

Title: energy drain
Post by: Raider on January 02, 2008, 11:47:10 am
224/485hp 172/581m 230mv 51737tnl $115.22747 (NEW)

A dryad gets a horrible look of pain in her face and shudders in shock.
Your draining sends warm energy through you!
Your energy drain DISMEMBERS a dryad!
A dryad has some small wounds. 75-89%

224/485hp 135/581m 230mv 51737tnl $115.22747 (NEW)

according to echo (and name spell.. draining..) i should get healed.
anyway, this spell could be boosted.

Title: Re: energy drain
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on January 02, 2008, 11:50:39 am
There is no BUG, and the spell applied correct effects to you.