Title: flowing robes of a black-magi Post by: omledufromage on January 16, 2008, 06:18:04 am [log]
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips. A warm wave of magic flows through your hands as you perceive that.. .. this object, flowing robes of a black-magi, is armor, and can be referred to as 'robe black black cloth'. It is of 32nd level, weighs 2 pounds, and is worth 80 gold. You can wear it on your torso. Only necromancers can use it. Armor class bonus: 0 vs pierce, 0 vs bash, 0 vs slash, and 0 vs magic. When worn, it modifies fortitude save by 4 modifies will save by 4 modifies armor class by -20 [/log] Necromancers aren't the only black robed magi... :-\ Title: Re: flowing robes of a black-magi Post by: Quino on January 16, 2008, 10:12:10 am by design?
Title: Re: flowing robes of a black-magi Post by: Tanis Half-Elven on January 17, 2008, 02:12:34 am Should be fixed next reboot
Title: Re: flowing robes of a black-magi Post by: Tanis Half-Elven on February 20, 2008, 07:24:52 am Actually - not fixed next reboot. There is a problem with some object flags. This will be fixed sometime in the future.
Title: Re: flowing robes of a black-magi Post by: Tanis Half-Elven on February 26, 2008, 05:12:26 am Finally - Fixed next reboot.