Title: Emotes in forms Post by: Habbakuk on September 28, 2005, 04:51:08 pm Post here your ideas about what emotes should be available to each form. Perhaps there was a similar topic on the old forum long-long ago, perhaps not.
Title: Re: Emotes in forms Post by: Kyliel on September 28, 2005, 06:57:36 pm I definitely think growling or snarling should be available to all forms.
Hares ought to be able to jump. Bulls can rake the ground with their hooves, and shake their horns. Eagles and hawks ought to be able to preen their feathers or spread their wings. Lions and tigers could twitch their tails or yawn to show their teeth. Foxes and jackals could smile wolfishly to reveal their fangs. Just general ideas... Title: Re: Emotes in forms Post by: Sir Solan on September 30, 2005, 06:24:17 am I like the general idea, including the hunger one.
Also, if these take place, could the command "social" be modified to show you the socials available while in other forms? (IE. Instead of showing every social emote, it only shows the ones you can use in your current form) |