Title: trip and flying Post by: deda on January 26, 2008, 05:24:28 am <269/269 244/244 171>NSW 21662
A water faerie's pound misses you. A water faerie trips you and you go down! A water faerie's trip injures you. You feel less aware of your surroundings. A water faerie has a few scratches. <258/269 244/244 171>NSW 21662 A water faerie's pound misses you. A water faerie's pound misses you. A water faerie has a few scratches. <258/269 244/244 171>NSW 21662 You are already fighting! A water faerie has a few scratches. <258/269 244/244 171>NSW 21662 wear dagger You stop using a long golden dagger. You wield a slim steel dagger. Your skill with a slim steel dagger is adequate. A water faerie has a few scratches. <258/254 244/234 171>NSW 21662 Your slice wounds a water faerie. The blood-red glow of Lunitari fades below the horizon. A water faerie has a few scratches. <254/254 234/234 171>NSW 21662 trip Her feet aren't on the ground. A water faerie has a few scratches If her feet are not on the ground, how can she trip me then? Title: Re: trip and flying Post by: Genocide on January 26, 2008, 09:03:11 am I think thats ok. She can land and trip you and then fly up again. And flying does not mean
that she is in the sky, she is just levitating above the ground at the moment. |