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General => The Inn => Topic started by: ezus on January 30, 2008, 02:32:28 pm

Title: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 30, 2008, 02:32:28 pm
Hello monkeyzzzz ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: glorg on January 30, 2008, 02:40:33 pm

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: moq on January 30, 2008, 02:45:13 pm
You are affected by the following spells:

Spell protection from ban modifies saves by -10 for 15 hours
                       modifies resist innah by 15 for 15 hours
Skill protection from immortals modifies save vs spell by -5 for 15 hours.
Skill protection from lag modifies none by 0 for 15 hours
Skill call proxy modifies none by 0 for 17 hours
Skill taunt immortal modifies none by 0 for 15 hours
Skill endure modifies resist innah by 9 for 15 hours
                       modifies resist ban by 9 for 15 hours
                       modifies resist lag by 9 for 15 hours
                       modifies save vs spell by -3 for 15 hours
Skill detect hidden modifies none by 0 for 18 hours
Skill detect Unseens modifies none by 0 for 18 hours
Spell detect invis modifies none by 0 for 18 hours
Skill ICQ link modifies none by 0 for 17 hours
                       modifies dexterity by 5 for 17 hours
Skill attune to IRC modifies hp by 50 permanently
                       modifies resist ban by 10 permanently
Skill Unseen God source modifies saves by -5 permanently
                       modifies hit roll by 5 permanently
                       modifies damage roll by 5 permanently
                       modifies mana by 100 permanently
                       modifies hp by 100 permanently
Skill make crush modifies none by 0 for 218 hours
Skill enhanced boot blocking modifies none by 0 permanently

(c) damage

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 30, 2008, 03:15:29 pm
Personal thanks for Kage "Papio hamadryas" and Matthew "Propithecus"

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on January 31, 2008, 01:22:38 am
- though "bison bison" would be closer... no no no please allow me to thank you..
Ezus "Equus asinus"    *honk honk*

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 31, 2008, 10:27:42 am
which exactly?
equus asinus africanus or equus asinus somalicus?

'bison bison' hmm i think 'mephitis mephitis' much closer to you...

p.s. Seems you have prejudices vs Africa ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on January 31, 2008, 03:28:31 pm
which exactly?
equus asinus africanus or equus asinus somalicus?
- nah...far more "common" variety  equus "jack"asinus   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 31, 2008, 03:39:22 pm
equus asinus live _ONLY_ in Africa. Learn mat4ast'.
Here is some other types of it around the world. Try to find out.
Though i doubt  that you'll find anything sharper... dear papio mephitis hamadryas btw new subspecie... try to imagine it...ohh, no... just look at mirror ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on January 31, 2008, 03:42:09 pm
- I know you missed me...but can we put aside your beastiality fetish for a moment and just bask in our utter indiffence to one another .... silently  *throws his own poop at you*

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 31, 2008, 03:56:40 pm
Looked at mirror at least... seems so... Also i found that enough beasts from africa were transferred to america... think about it ;)

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on January 31, 2008, 04:08:04 pm
- Ill check again..nope im still not african but maybe you are? that would be ironic.  Actually Im probably one of the few in my country that are not the result of any type of immigration.  Think about it. 

p.s.  I know we like science it seems...check for first signs of man or woman..where are these signs located ??  *wink*
I do like to see you at least using your brain a bit to try and be insulting...your growing ... we call this type of learning "baby steps" ...slow but we'll take it..who knows in 2 or 3 hundred years we could be good friends me and you  ;)

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 31, 2008, 04:27:36 pm
Woah. Kage are you Indian? -not ironic-

Homo antecessor... look out for it... Here is some difference between races. So it proves that homo antecessor lived at different places around the earth. *smirk*

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on January 31, 2008, 04:33:10 pm
- wrong again Columbus ...not from india either  ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 31, 2008, 04:34:51 pm
So... yours ancestors came to America... (any type of immigration)

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: deda on January 31, 2008, 09:41:43 pm
Just a slight diversion Indians who inhabited North America came originally or should I say aboriginally from Australia. People inhabiting Europe/Russia came from India or somewhere near... Could it be that your conflict actually began 60000 years ago while both of your tribes were waiting Shengen visa at Southern China border?   

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on January 31, 2008, 10:29:36 pm
deda... what about navaha, kree (kri,cree... dunno exactly), aleuts and others that came though beringhia (probably from siberia). What bout mandans, arapaho, caddo, veecheeta that came from north?

And about people that came from india... check ahnanerbe researches;)
Also check gypsy, romans...

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: deda on January 31, 2008, 10:53:05 pm
deda... what about navaha, kree (kri,cree... dunno exactly), aleuts and others that came though beringhia (probably from siberia). What bout mandans, arapaho, caddo, veecheeta that came from north?

And about people that came from india... check ahnanerbe researches;)
Also check gypsy, romans...

You just confirmed what I said. The North American Indians came over Beringhia to North America but their ancestors came from Australia. The Aborigins have even an ancient myth about it called "Dream Time" or something. Recent studies only confirmed this theory. However, it is my speculation that the tribes that once inhabited North India were once part of this great nation and that we are all brothers and sisters, mutated, retarded and un/developed, but BROTHERS AND SISTERS nontheless.
Gypsies/Romas are still of the same tribe it's just that they arrived a couple thousand years after our ancestors... It's just a matter of time until their skin grows pale... And they all start drinking sljivovica! (Serbian vodka) ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on January 31, 2008, 11:21:53 pm
- hmm finally some interesting banter.  It is true that environment favors its own genetic mutations or adaptations it creates(depends on if you like your genes or not) as in darwinism...darker skin (more melanin) is more protected in from sun...sickle cell blood disorder is actually beneficial to those in malaria prone regions, nordic stout frames and hairy bodies for climate protection etc.  Seems red headed freckly people have no benefits.. ;D sorry to them. 
-  Bering strait land bridge theory is very interesting pointing toward siberia/asia migration.  This site is interesting about it
Seems most early form of civilization were anything is possible.  Course if you believe that then you must put some stock into pangia we could be all brothers and sisters potentially if your into that one.. *Swallows slowly* But just because there way have been a 3 wave migration to doesnt necessarily mean that there was not a significant presence of inhabitants already.  The debate will go on until carbon dating is perfected or huge advances in protein and nucleic acid sequence analysis  are made.  Or as a children story goes...the north man has not been cooked enough and the south man has cooked too long...better to stay in the middle and be just right.
 p.s. offtopic... there was a russian exchange student who thought we all sat around and drank budweiser all day because of tv.  Russians dont really drink starka do they? thats like an american russian vodka isnt it?  whats a real russian vodka that a russian would drink who had taste?

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Matthew on January 31, 2008, 11:42:37 pm
We drink Stolitchnaya or something. I think thats how its spelt. We just call it Stollies. But I don't think its made in Russia. ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on January 31, 2008, 11:52:13 pm
- Yeah thats another one I bet is just named that to want some really bad vodka...try kamchatka..blah.. but cheap  ;D ;D

p.s. never drink vodka from a plastic bottle...everytime you do..someone in russia sheds one solitary tear.

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on February 01, 2008, 01:18:45 am
Stolichnaya produced by "Crystall" originally... but not the best one. Though well known brand.
Vodka in plastic bottles... *shiver* i don't like polymeres in vodka.
Starka - one of names of 'Staraya Moskva' ('Old Moscow'), though i saw just 'Starka'.
If you wish to taste vodka - try to find something like Moscowskaya (green labelled) or Veda or Mammoth (magadan one) or Russian Empire.

Sljivovica - not vodka but home-brew;) Like our samogon, ukrainian horilka, czech slivyanka or something like, spanish chacha and calvados, german-czech schnaps and so on

You can make vodka at home ;D
It's look like
ethyl spirit - 1,5 litres
ginger - 50 gramms
sage - 50 gramms
peppermint - 50 gramms
tormentil - 50 gramm
water - around 0,4-0,45 litre

put all in bottle and let it stay at warm place around 6-7 days. shake it everyday.
strain it at last... and drink
enjoy ;D

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Kage on February 01, 2008, 01:35:32 am
- wonder what our customs policy is about mass mail receiving of vodka from russia  8) .  Id drink this moonshine they have here ...but I value my sight too much.  And I have two vintage bottles of absinthe but I value my sanity too much.  oh well unless a russian bootlegger unveils themselves here ill go back to my old faithful bottle of crown royal.  Canadien just feels right

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on February 01, 2008, 01:49:31 am



Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on February 01, 2008, 01:52:50 am
Heh find out stollies... produced by 'pernod richard SA'... fake... like grey goose

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Matthew on February 01, 2008, 02:04:21 am
I thought so, its not bad vodka though.

PS. I wonder what that bottle is doing all alone by the rocks.... it looks lonely.

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on February 01, 2008, 02:07:34 am
Dunno about bad or not. Fake because of difference in recipes.

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Rialon on February 01, 2008, 09:46:08 am
I like Yuri Dolgorukiy vodka - at one time it was considered the best russian vodka in Russia.
And of course - Putinka  ;D! I wonder if they are going to make Medvedevka after the 2nd of March...

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: ezus on February 01, 2008, 12:56:48 pm
Heh... Putinka producing at Alania, Kabarda mostly. Also as far as i know some "Crystall" brand sold out to one Korean company and quality of this voka decreased significally.

p.s. Imagine... vodka and not only was my work around 6-7 years...

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Matthew on February 01, 2008, 04:45:35 pm
Kage: There is no such thing as sanity.

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: Genocide on February 01, 2008, 05:53:27 pm
Ezus, you are true example of 6-7 years vodka worker!   ;)

Title: Re: Ban affect fades out...
Post by: deda on February 02, 2008, 01:48:04 pm
 8) He's been doing advanced field research on the effects of vodka on an average coccasian male for twice that long! Though I think he developed some sort of tolerance against it... Meaning - he needs to spend more money in the bars... ::)