Solace MUD Official Forum

Solace Development => Area Defects => Topic started by: deda on February 01, 2008, 12:15:06 am

Title: a new one
Post by: deda on February 01, 2008, 12:15:06 am
The intersection on eastern Solamnic road
  You are traveling through large intersection of eastern Solamnic road.
The road here looks not so clean, maybe because this point is so far from

Palanthas. Some kind of translucent fog floating here in mid-air, and if
you take a look more close you can understand about it's only a clouds of
grey dust from the ground. Intersection leading you in all directions from

an extra line

Title: Re: a new one
Post by: deda on February 05, 2008, 01:35:00 am
in nadia:

South Gate

[Exits: north east south west]
     (Glowing) A pair of nice looking leggigs rests here.
A Naiadian child smiles happily.
The gate's guardsman stands here watching the gate.
The gate's guardsman stands here watching the gate.

missing n.

You get a pair of leggings made from seashells.

Title: Re: a new one
Post by: Tanis Half-Elven on February 12, 2008, 02:54:26 am
Good eye.
Both FNR.