Solace MUD Official Forum

General => The Inn => Topic started by: moq on March 07, 2008, 10:24:01 pm

Post by: moq on March 07, 2008, 10:24:01 pm

Title: Re:
Post by: Caleb on March 07, 2008, 11:55:07 pm
by far the best one so far:

Dude #1: They don't give you condoms?
Dude #2: Naw, they don't.
Dude #1: You serious, man? No condoms?!
Dude #2: Yeah, I'm serious -- they don't give out condoms!
Dude #1: Really... They don't give you condoms in prison, huh?
Dude #2: Naw, man, not unless you have conjugal visits or somethin'.

Title: Re:
Post by: deda on March 08, 2008, 04:43:09 am
NYU chick: Is that like a rat that masturbates?!

Guy to three cute girls: You're the best looking gay guys I've seen all day!


Little girl: Where are we going now?
Mother: Chinatown.
Little girl: Vagina town?
Mother, chuckling: No -- China-town.
Little girl, coyly: Well, I live in peeenis-town.
Mother: Okay, Lila.

 Stupid Smart People

20-ish girl: Then I disclosed that Michael probably has Asperger's syndrome.
20-ish guy: Asperger's people are smart. This guy is a ninny.
20-ish girl: He's IT smart, and he had a retard son, and you know how that sh*t runs in the family.

 Shortest Law & Order Episode Ever

Bag lady: Please, can someone help me? Call 911...
Cop: You're talking to a goddamn cop! Are you f*cking retarded?

 This Reality Show Has Gone Way Off Script

Crackhead: Excuse me, miss, but you don't look so good. Are you okay?
Hot, drunk chick vomiting in a trashcan: I'm supposed to be asking you that!

Title: Re:
Post by: deda on March 09, 2008, 01:24:32 am
 Every Little Wednesday One-Liner Helps

Crazy hobo to passing Fordham students: Y'all crazy motherf*ckers pay 40 grand a year to get a damn education. Y'all don't need no education. Pay 40 grand to get me food! Hell, I'll take four dollars! Look at me -- I got no education, and I turned out just fine.

Wheelbo: I don't care what they say, I promise you I'll pay you back.

Hobo: I need money for alcohol, drugs, and a hooker... Hey, at least I'm not bullsh*tting you.


Hobo, as girl nearby drops her Vogue: Oh, no! Somebody dropped their Torah!

Hobo, to passing suit: Hey, asshole, why don't you get a job like everyone else, and stop taking my money?!

I Mean, What Would You Do Out of the Ordinary?

Guy #1: So, what would you do if Superman were real and flew in through your room window?
Guy #2: You mean, besides having my feet behind my ears?