Title: New Areas. Post by: Neor on March 22, 2008, 01:04:07 am I thought about New areas. Perhaps I'm and we are(who wants)
may write areas ourself. I know it includes a lot of area's flags like: norecall, nomount, indors, outdoors, forest, nohide e.t.c. The same for mob's flags: agro or not agro, stalk or no stalk, undead e.t.c. Well... anyway there're a lot of things that we don't know. I'm talking that we can write descriptions of rooms and of mobs. And of course a little description of Area. Then we will send it to someone who will look it. If evrythig is ok he or she will fisnish work with an area. With best regard yours Neor. Title: Re: New Areas. Post by: Genocide on March 22, 2008, 08:40:17 pm I tried to build some, but failed all the areas. The only thing i can do is idea of the area.
Title: Re: New Areas. Post by: Kage on March 22, 2008, 08:45:45 pm - somone write nice 9 room square arena with central unique starting spot. Blood, bones, scattered armor and weapons. Impaled gladiators and places for spectators.
Title: Re: New Areas. Post by: Tanis Half-Elven on March 23, 2008, 07:25:47 pm If you write areas, I have no problems looking at it and finishing it for you.
You will need to write all descs, etc. You will also need to send me a list of which mobiles will be strongest/weakest, any mobprogs you are wanting, etc. Also, then I will probably send it back to you a few times for you to fix some things. But I can deal with stats (you can place some item stats if you like), and I'll write mobprogs, and test, etc. In fact, I've been doing this stuff for the past couple months. Morgion left many areas behind that need some fixing, testing and mobprogs. You'll see these areas in next few reboots. Also, Caleb has been helping me a bit. Anyone with some questions about making an area, feel free to send me message on the forum. Also, please tell me your area idea before you make it. Just so that I can assure you that it will fit with solace properly, or whatever. Title: Re: New Areas. Post by: Kiri-Jolith on March 28, 2008, 01:14:14 pm Now we have a good area builder. It will be better, if you use it to build areas for Solace. At least we will not have to fix room linkage, misplaced flags, and such. Also the editor has defaults for mobiles and supports almost all features, provided by Solace code.