Solace MUD Official Forum

General => Newbies Section => Topic started by: Tuxius on March 22, 2008, 11:33:15 am

Title: Clans
Post by: Tuxius on March 22, 2008, 11:33:15 am
This will be a very newbish question....

Is it worth to try to rp into a clan even if you dont have the correct alignment - saw maybe you need to be neutral or lawful instead of chaotic.. is there ways to rp it and that maybe the gods will change it for you?

Also, even if you do match the criteria via race / class / align - and are rp'ing - is it a good idea for a very new player to attempt to get in?

Title: Re: Clans
Post by: Rialon on March 22, 2008, 04:08:28 pm
Yes, ethos and alignment can be changed to opposite. I saw a draconian cleric of Mishakal and a lot of other examples.
About clans for newbies - i'd say you'd be meat. But then again, it is the best way to learn how to play the game. Rp wise clans prompt you to roleplay... supposevly.  :)

Title: Re: Clans
Post by: Kage on March 22, 2008, 06:17:04 pm
-  I wouldnt suggest ur first clan attempt be one that requires ethos or alignment change.  I would make a class that is allowed in the clan and hero him...find gear that u can attain on ur a ton with enemies of the clan u wish to join,then delete him. Then make the character again and try to get in clan with ur new found skills.  While as stated before..u will still be meat.. but worse then that u may be ignored in the clan if they suspect u cant help them and need lots of help.  But I encourage any able to try ... great for population of clans...and fodder heh.

Title: Re: Clans
Post by: omledufromage on March 22, 2008, 07:51:19 pm
Just a comment on the ethos and alignment change... As Rialon has said... it is possible, but not likely to happen I suppose. If you really want to, better to write a role I suppose. About clans... I guess it's alright for someone not much experient to try and get in... If it is a clan that already has some members, it will be an excellent opportunity for learning about PK, areas, where to find shinies... all that borin' stuff  ;D
But... if you are unlucky enough to remain alone most of the time... you are just going to find being in the clan a pain in the ***.  ;D

Title: Re: Clans
Post by: Tuxius on March 22, 2008, 09:55:06 pm
I see.  Thanks for the information :) It seemed like a good idea and a bad idea at the same time.  Especially since i have zero pk experience under my belt.